Before I could stop myself, I reached my hands up and started caressing her cheek. "How about I show you what a real kiss feels like?" I murmured.

I leaned my fave closer to hers and the moment our lips connected, I lost myself.

At first, I was kissing her slowly, and Autumn was still frozen. Then, she started kissing me back. She felt good. Really good; I could kiss her all day.

Oh. My. God.

Autumn let out a quiet moan and it sent me over the edge. "Dio mio." I groaned against her lips.

Autumn gasped, and I slid my tongue into her mouth. My tongue roamed around her mouth and she let out another moan. My hands came down from her face and I placed them on her hips tightly.

Her hands gripped my shirt tightly as well, and I was slowly losing myself. The way she was kissing me, Dio Mio.

Our lips separated and we were both panting so hard. I lowered my head and pressed my lips to her neck. She gripped my shirt tighter and and her chest was rising and falling very fast.

My lips moved over her neck and she kept panting. She was turning me on, and I don't think I could stop now. As I kissed the spot her shoulder met her neck, she let out a loud, sensual sound that I've never heard before.

"Oh Bambino." I groaned. I ran my hands down her back, until they reached the back of her thighs. I lifted her up until her legs were wrapped around my waist. Autumn just stared at me with wide eyes. I placed her onto the counter and I stood between her legs.

I captured her lips again and my hands roamed her body. Our lips moved together and she felt so good. "Ti senti così bene."

Another moan came out of Autumn. Oh dammit.

"Whoa." A voice came from the door. Autumn quickly pulled back, and we both turned to see Lucas standing in the door way. "I apologize, you guys were about to get freaky on the counter. I'll leave you to it." He smirked.

I'm going to kill him. I really am.

Lucas left the room with his hands held up and when I turned back to Autumn, she blushing a deep red and was staring at her hands with a shy smile on her lips.

The lips that I just kissed.


"How about this one?" Lucas asked holding up another bracelet.

I shook my head. "Nope. Doesn't seem right."

I kept looking through the glass windows.

"You know, I don't know why your buying her a birthday gift anyway. I'm sure, today's little make out session will hold until next year." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes with a smile. Tomorrow was Autumns birthday and of course I had to get her something.

She was my little baby girl. As for today's little make out session, no one has ever felt that good in my life.

When I was kissing Autumn, it was like everything else in the world didn't matter. It was just me and her.

I liked it.

"So, Ma thinks that we should have a little family cook out before you guys leave. You know, just like old times." Lucas shrugged.

"I'm down for it. Although, I didn't appreciate you and Gwen doing the deed in my bedroom last year." I told him while I held up, another bracelet.

What the hell am I suppose to get her? It has to be perfect.

"What can I say, she'll take it wherever." Lucas smirked.

"You guys are gross. I forgot to ask, how's the company going?"

"Its great. Our profit increased 18%."

"Nice." I mumbled as I looked at a necklace. It was a little butterfly with diamonds on the side. It looked familiar.

I think one of my friends bought it for his girlfriend or something back in California. Nope.

"Well, I need to get Autumn a gift. What does she like?" Lucas asked.

I turned to him. "She eats way too much candy. Especially gummy bears." I nodded my head.

"Nice. I'll be at the candy shop, I'll meet you back here." He began to walk out of the jewelry store, when I stopped him.

He raised his eyebrows at me and I punched him hard in the shoulder. His five twisted up in pain and he held his arm. "What the hell-"

"Yeah. That's for interrupting me and Autumn. Again."

"Alright, alright." Lucas groaned. "Won't happen again." He walked out of the shop and I laughed after him.

I turned my attention back to the jewelry. Okay, what to get Autumn?

I need some thing that suited her.

I looked at another glass case and I froze. I looked at the plaque written below it.

Perfect. I called the guy over to where I was standing. "Yes, Mr. Sawyer?" He looked at me expectingly.

My eyes still stayed glued to the bracelet. "I'll take this one."

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