“She wouldn’t listen to what Michael told her, he wanted her to be in the background to be called upon when it was time, but her arrogance… her pride in what she believed she was capable of was her undoing.  She pushed forward saying she would not be denied her rightful place at the head of the battle and when the final push came, when Lucifer was finally forced into the darkest pits of Hell, he lashed out one last time.  He struck the ‘Keeper’ bringing her down and she died a most painful death, for he held a lash that burned through its victims and,” he closed his eyes and shook his head as if the rid himself of the image. “When Lucifer struck her it struck her across the chest… across her heart

Brindle gasped!  She could almost see the images as Arias told her the story.  Her eyes teared up and it took all her self-control to prevent them from brimming over the edge of her eyes and releasing themselves. 

Brindle knew herself well, knew that if she showed weakness right now Arias might not take her seriously, might not continue to treat her as he had been since his return… like a Warrior… like she really was the final ‘Keeper’.

She also knew that she could demand respect all she wanted, and to a point she’d get it, but for it to be real, for those above her to honour her as the true and ‘Final Keeper’ she needed to earn it, to prove to all that she was worthy of her destiny.

Marcus had told her that she had already earned respect after she banished Kendrick from ever setting foot on earth again.  But she was smart enough to realise that that was but a small part of what she would eventually be forced to do and the Arch’s, the other Guardians and everyone else that was aware of her would need to see a lot more than a few parlour tricks for her to prove her worth.

When they had finished training for the day Brindle showered and prepared a meal for Brae then she sat down in her garden to draw strength from the earth.  She thought about all that had happened since that day she went for a walk in the park.  Marcus, the Spirit Man, Brae and now Arias all here for her, to support and help her become who she was meant to be.

Then she thought about the Arch’s.  The great store of memories she’d been given came to the fore and she suddenly remembered more of the Arch’s names.  Ariel, Haniel and Raphael, then Uriel, Raziel and Azrael. 

Then she could almost see in her mind’s eye, the twins Metatron and Sandalphon, two lesser known Arch’s.  Arch’s that were once mortal and given God’s favour.  Sandalphon whose chief role was to carry human prayers to God and Metatron who originally led the children of Israel through the wilderness and today still led children both on earth and in Heaven.

She knew instantly the meaning of each name and wondered that beings so powerful and so full of light could have gone to battle against one of their own.  Because Lucifer had once been one of them, he too had once been an Arch.

A memory flashed across Brindle’s mind and suddenly she had become the ‘Keeper’ of old, she felt what she had felt that day, experienced her arrogance, the self-importance she’d been made to believe she had.  Then she knew that it was not her fault alone, that perhaps she had been meant to fail to leave a pathway for future ‘Keepers’… a pathway for the ‘Final Keeper’.

Brindle grabbed at her chest as she saw the ‘Keeper’ fall, she felt the burning pain that Lucifer’s lash caused and tears streamed down her face.  She wasn’t sure if she would survive this vision, or even if she could pull back from it.  Then she felt strong arms around her and as she opened her eyes she saw Marcus holding on to her.  She managed to relax, knowing that if anyone could bring her back from this horror it was her true Guardian.

The pain ebbed slightly and as she looked up, for in the vision she lay on the field of battle in the arms of her Guardian and it was then that Brindle realised that Marcus has been the Guardian for this ‘Keeper’ and as she looked at him she saw pain and helplessness written across his face and worse still in his too beautiful blue eyes.

She had to turn away from him, away from his pain and it was then that she saw Chamuel, he too was an Arch, but while others where there to fight, he was there as a healer.  Chamuel was in fact one of the most powerful Angelic healers and if anyone… any being could save their ‘Keeper’ it was him.

She watched him as he utilised all his skills trying to save the life of their ‘Keeper’, but in the end he knew there was no hope.  He knew that some things were meant to be and for this young woman, this Warrior, this ‘Keeper’ it was time for her to pass over.

But he could still feel life in her and as he looked to Marcus he made a decision to act and in doing so sentenced himself to carry the secret of what he’d done for over a millennia, a secret only one other besides God would know.  Brindle looked past Chamuel and saw a figure standing behind him, she couldn’t make out who it was, but knew that whoever it was this person, this being would also hold the secret.

Chamuel reached out and took the hand of the Guardian holding their ‘Keeper’ and as he did so he also took hold of hers.  Marcus looked at him with pain and hurt and fear for his Charge, he knew she was dying and the helplessness he felt tore at his heart… it also tore at Chamuels.

Chamuel brought both their hands together and spoke in and ancient language that not even Marcus understood.  But right then in that instant given the wealth of information that had been given her… Brindle both heard and understood.

Brindle could feel herself falling, falling as if from a great height, but she knew that was impossible… then darkness took her!

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