Chapter 33

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August 9th, 2016
*Bryn's POV*

"I'll take her." Chase says coming in my room and taking Ava out of my hands.

"What? Why?"

"Us guys are going to the beach, we will watch Ava while you girls have a spa day."

"I'm only giving you Ava because that spa day sounds amazing. But please be careful. Watch her."

"You don't have to worry."

Chase grabs Ava's bag and gives me a quick kiss before leaving. I walk out to the kitchen area of our hotel room and find the other girls.

"So, are we going or?" Haley hints.

"Yes let's go!" I cheer.

*3 Hours Later*
*Chase's POV*

"So we have your outfit out, we have Ava's and Bryn's hanging in the room. We have the restaurant right on the beach set up. You have the ring. The girls are on their way back from the spa. What else?" Ryan goes on.

"Um, you guys put the letters everywhere right?" I ask.

"Yep, we all put them out." Bubba clarifies.

"Ok, then all you guys need to do is bring Ava back and give Bryn this." I say handing Reed a letter.

"Ok, Bubba and I will bring her back."

And just like that the start to my proposal had started.

*Bryn's POV*

"That spa day was amazing!" Whitney assured.

"Yes and the Mani Pedis after!" Haley agreed.

*Knock Knock*

"Probably the guys."

Sydney went and opened the door and Reed and Bubba walked in. And Reed passes Ava off to me.

"So here she is. Safe and here."

"And this is for you." Bubba hands me a folded piece of paper.

And with that both boys run out the door.

"That was weird." Haley comments.

"Yeah." I answer.

"So what does the note say."

Do you remember the first time we met? Well it was a year ago today. I was really nervous to talk to you. I remember thinking "man she's cute and can work on a car, that's my kinda girl". It has been great knowing you a whole year. So let's do a little quiz. The next note is where you go to beat the heat, the water is cool and very clear.
Love you, Chase

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