Chapter 4

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Well it's Tuesday and we still have nothing to do for racing until tomorrow, which is just practice. Denny had a media day this morning, but that's about over with, since it is 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

I haven't talked to Chase since Sunday. I've talked to Will, Denny, and Ty Dillon. Yes, Ty and I are friends, same with Austin. Ty is the one I talk to when I'm annoyed with both Will and Denny.

Let's just say I have no one to go to know. I told Ty what was going on with the Chase thing, and he agreed with them.

Some people would think, well if three people your close to, have told me to stay away from someone then I would stay away, but I don't want to. I still want to get to know him. It makes me mad and want to get to know Chase even more.

As I was staring at the TV that wasn't even on, lost in thoughts someone knocked on the door. I got up groaning a little.

I open the door reaveling the one and only William Bryon, with the one and only Ty Dillon behind him.

"Hey." Will said cautiously.

"What do you two want?"

"To eat this pizza with you, and tell you something." Ty says showing a pizza.

"I'll take the pizza."

"The pizza comes with us and possibly ice cream." Will says revealing a bag, I'm guessing full of ice cream.


I walk back into the living room type area. I sit in the chair, while Ty and Will get out the pizza. Will hands me a plate with a slice of pizza and Ty hands me a coke.

"So what do you need to tell me."

"Well it's about Chase." Ty starts.

"And he has a new girlfriend." Will finishes.

"Really, that's cool." I say acting cool.

"And, well um. Do you remember Stacy Jones? Erik Jones older sister. You guys were kind of friends a while back." Will asks.

"Yeah, she was a close friend but then started hating me randomly."

"Well that's who Chase is dating." Ty again finishes.

I choke on my pizza I was eating, from hearing that.

"You're kidding right?" I ask smiling.

"No Bryn, we're not. I'm sorry." Will comforts.

"Why her?" I ask mostly myself, but loud enough for the guys to hear.

"I don't know Bryn, but hey you don't need him. You got us, Ryan, and Austin." Ty chimes.

"Where are those two?" I ask before someone knocks on the door.

"Um, here." Ty says standing to get the door.

I stay sitting facing Will, but not looking him in the eyes.

"Why are you here?" Ty ask, who I'm guessing isn't Austin nor Ryan.

"I could ask the same question." I hear someone say, quickly realizing it was Chase's voice.

"I'm obviously here to visit with Bryn, now why are you here?" Ty answers, kind of pissed.

"I would like to talk to Bryn." Chase also answers.

"She doesn't need to talk to you." Ty growls.

"Please, you don't know her. You can't answer for her. She will come to me instead of you soon, but can I talk to her now?"

Ty looks back at me asking for an answer. I shake my head no and turn back to Will. I had tears in my eyes. I thought Chase and I might have a thing going, but now knowing he's with the girl that hates me, that will never happen. And after what he just said hurt too.

"Sorry, Chase she doesn't feel like talking."

"Why can't she? Or are you just saying that so you can keep her all to yourself. You're here with her, why cant she talk to me?"

"I'm sorry Chase, she just isn't feeing well and I'm a close friend."

"Fine, can you just tell her to text me sometime so I can talk to her."

"Yeah I guess."

"Thanks, tell her to feel better."

"Bye Chase."


"Thanks Ty." I say not looking up from my hands.

"Your welcome Bryn. I wasn't going to let him in anyway. What he said wasn't ok, no guy should say that. We'll keep him away from you. Now let's turn on Cars and eat some pizza." Ty suggests, knowing Cars is my favorite Disney movie.

"I'll text Ryan and Austin to let them know to just come in when they get here." Will explains.

"Come sit with us!" Ty says patting the spot in between him and Will.

I get up and cuddle into both of them, eating my pizza. A few minutes into the movie Austin and Ryan walked in, grab some pizza and join us. We all watch a few movies and eat the rest of the pizza and ice cream. When we finish the third movie the guys leave, and I head to my room. Not even changing I jump into bed and quickly fall asleep. Hopefully my sleep will be filled with amazing dreams. But reality will hit in the morning and I'll know that it was Just A Dream.

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