Chapter 13

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This was our last week for Nascar goes west and we were in Fontana. 1st practice and qualifying was yesterday for sprint. Austin won the pole! Today is the Xfinity race and the rest of the practices for Sprint.

I've been been hanging out with Ty and Will all weekend. Will hasn't been racing because truck series isn't racing here on the West coast and he has been really bored and annoying.

"Will stop complaining!" I say walking to the garages.

"Well I'm sorry I just miss racing!"

"Well all you're doing is complaining."


I continue weaving around the people, finding my way to Ty's car.



"You ready to get in the car?"

"When am I not?"

"True, true."

We continue talking about the car before we walk with Ty to the track waiting for the start of today's Xfinity race. We get to his car and continue joking around.

"Hey, I'm going to wish Ryan good luck. I'll be back before the command." I say walking towards Ryan's car.

When I get to his car I see him and another girl. I'm guessing it's his ex or now girlfriend.

"Hey Ryan." I say coming up to him.

"Hey Bryn." Ryan says hugging me.

The girl that was standing next to him glares at me and puffs up her chest.

"Oh and Bryn, this is Amanda, my girlfriend."

"It's nice to meet you Amanda. I just wanted to say good luck to you Ryan."

"Well thank you, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah of course."

I walk away think most girls would probably be upset about there recent ex finding someone that fast but with me and Ryan it was like we were never dating.

I head back to Ty's car and continue joking around with them . After a couple minutes the pre-race ceremonies start. After the national anthem we wish Ty good luck and head to his pit box.

*After Race*

That was one of the best finishes ever!! I thought through out the whole race Kyle Busch was going to win, but his tire blew on the last lap and Austin was able to pass him because Daniel Suarez ran out of gas.

Ryan ran into the wall fighting for second with Erik and just didn't do him any good. He ended up finishing 20th and Ty finished 17th.

Will wasn't into the race, so half way through he went to my motor coach. So I walked up to Ty and said congrats to him and then headed to victory lane with him to congratulate his brother.

"Austin! You won!" I yell when he notices me in victory lane.

"I know I did!"


I quickly give him a hug because I don't feel like being sticky from the sweat, coke, and water all over him. Ty congratulates him then we head to the motor coach lot.

"I'm going to change, then do you want go get something to eat off track?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Invite some of the guys."

"Will do."

I quickly try to figure out who to invite. I finally decide on Will, Bubba, Austin, and Chase. Yes I know why invite Chase and not Ryan, well Ryan has his girlfriend this weekend. I quickly message them telling them we wanted to all go out and eat together to celebrate Austin's win. They all agreed and I waited for Ty and Haley.

When Haley and Ty were ready, we quickly went and got Will before leaving for the restaurant.

We made it in a couple minutes and met up with everyone. We all gathered into the small area and were seated quickly. Ty, Haley, Austin, and Whitney, Austin's girlfriend sat on one side of the table. While Will, me, Chase, and Bubba sat on the other side.

We ordered our food and kept a conversation going about our plans for going back to North Carolina. The food arrived in what felt like minutes and we all loved it.

After we finished we all decided to go to Ty's motor coach to watch a few movies. Everyone but Chase and I were in a deep conversation headed out of the restaurant.

"Hey, I don't feel like riding to the track alone, would you mind coming with me?" Chase asks.

"Umm, yeah I guess so. I'll just have to tell Ty and Will, I rode with them."

I quickly tell both of them, and get away before Will can say something. Chase opens the passenger door for me and helps me in. Once Chase's in the car we start the ride to the track. We were behind Ty and Austin, but then Chase takes a left down a dirt road.

"Chase, what are you doing?"

"Bryn I need to talk to you."

"Can we do it on the drive to the track, William will kill me if he finds out I wasn't right behind him showing up at the track."

"Don't worry this road is just going to come out to the other entrance of the track."

"Ok, so what did you need to talk about then."

Chase sighs and then starts "Bryn, am I the reason you're not with Ryan anymore?"

"Of course not Chase! I probably shouldn't be telling you this but, Ryan and I were just fake dating, but then we tried dating for real."

"Wait why were you fake dating."

"For me, publicity and for Ryan, to seem like he had a life."

Chase chuckles to himself after I said that.

"So I wasn't the reason."

"No Ryan and I just didn't have real feelings for each other and he kissed his ex, well now girlfriend and remember he still had feelings for her."

"Oh wow I'm so sorry."

"It's fine I'm glad he did, I wasn't really into our relationship."

It goes quiet for a few minutes almost like a half awkward silence but a silence where you're trying to decide what to say next.

"Bryn, would it seem weird if I told you something I've been holding in from you?"

"No it wouldn't we're pretty good friends now, we've known each other for about a month." I slightly chuckle.

"I'm so sorry for they way I acted when I was dating Stacy, I was also fake dating her to help her get over a break up, all set up by Erik. And I know what Will is saying about me, it's not true, I don't know why he would lie to you like that but it's not true. I know what you're thinking, why should you believe me and not him, it's fine if you believe him and not me. I understand why they don't want you and I together, but I really am falling hard for you. When I though you were dating Ryan it almost hurt, because I was trying to start something with you, but I saw you with Ryan and thought I'd never get you."

I try to let all of that process and then make words come out. It just wasn't processing, I wasn't able to handle it.

"Chase... I don't know what to say."

Just A Dream (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz