Chapter 3

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I woke up in my new Motor Home! In my new bed! I looked at the time to see it was 8 o'clock and I didn't need to be up yet. Ugh, why can't I sleep longer.

I got up grab a glass of orange juice and went back to my room. I had a few hours and why not hang out with Chase and not have Denny know.

I grabbed my phone quickly and went to Chase's contact.

Bryn - Hey still wanna hang out?

Chase - Of course. I'll meet you at your hauler in half an hour.

I quickly got ready. Throwing on a plain green t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Keeping it simple, like usual. I grabbed a pair of my many converse and sat in the living room part of my motor coach.

I had a good 15 minutes before Chase came so I checked twitter. A few minutes passed and someone knocked on the door. I quickly got up thinking Chase might be early, but I got to the door and opened it revealing Will.

"Oh, it's just you." I said turning around.

"Well thanks!"

"Sorry, I was just waiting for Chase."

"Wait, what?"

"I was waiting for Chase." I whisper.

"Does Denny know?"


"So why are you going then?"

"Cause Denny doesn't control my life!"

"Bryn, I'm with Denny I don't think you want to get with Chase. He's just a player, a jerk, a no good."

"Why do you and Denny think that. When I talked to him yesterday he was nice to me. And you're the one who gave him my phone number!"

"Because Bryn, you don't know the real Chase. And I didn't give him your number, yesterday we were hanging at Bubba's motor coach and I got up leaving my phone and he must have got your number that way!"

"Then maybe I should get to know the real Chase, Will. Maybe it might be better if I realize he's no good for me."

"Bryn, he's just going to hurt you. Please stay away from him for me. So I don't have to see you be upset in the end."

"Why would she be upset in the end?" Some voice asks from the door.

I jump back startled from the voice of neither Will or me. I look at the door finally realizing it's just Denny. Oh crap it's Denny, I don't want him to know that Chase and I are going to hang out and Chase is headed here.

"Will, can you please keep Chase away from the hauler for a few minutes while I talk to Denny. And I'll talk to you after." I whisper to Will.

"Fine, have fun explaining." He said walking out.

"So why would you be upset?"

"Um, because I was thinking about going back home. But I thought it over and I'm not going to leave."

"Oh good! You made that car yesterday perfect, we won the Showdown! I need you to stay and help with the car."

"Don't worry I won't leave."

"Ok. I'll get you later for qualifying. Okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"If you want, you can come hang out with Taylor, if you want."

"I'll think about it."

"Ok, see ya."

With that Denny left and I plopped down on the couch. After a few minutes of calming down, my phone went off.

Will - He's headed you're way and I'm following so I know you say you can't "hang"!

Bryn - Whatever Will!

Soon there was a knock on the door. I open the door revealing Chase.

Yesterday I didn't get to see how good he actually looked. His thick brown hair, a little bit of scruff on his chin, his piercing brown eyes. He was wearing a blue button up shirt and a pair of khakis, that fit him just right. He looked great.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Will stopped me for a while to talk." He says smiling up at me.

"It's ok." I try to start but see Will to the side watching.

"Um, something came up with Denny." I sigh, not trying to act, but because I actually wanted to hang out with Chase. "And I have to help him, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I understand how older siblings expect the younger ones to do what their told by the older ones. I'm just glad its not because you don't want to actually hang out with me, but because duty calls. I'll see ya at qualifying." He says disappointed and leaves.

I look down at my feet feeling really bad that I made him upset.

"Hey Chase!"

"Yeah?" He turns around smiling.

"I'm sorry! And good luck at qualifying!"

"Oh, it's ok." And he continues walking.

We'll that didn't work. I was going to tell him I was free tomorrow and I could hang then, but it just didn't come out.

"Thank you!" Will says walking into the motor coach.


"Why, what?"

"Why do you and Denny not want me to be near Chase, huh?"

"Denny and I don't want you to get with Chase because we know who he is. He's just going to use you and hurt you. Denny doesn't want you to be with him because... Because have you ever thought about how dangerous racing is?"


"He doesn't want you to love someone who has a career that every time they go to work they have a chance of not making it out alive. It's already hard enough when your own brother and a few of your friends has the chance, so why fall in love with another person that has a chance of not making it during their career."

"But that's my decision not Denny's."

"He's just trying to help you so you don't have to deal with it."

"I know. Now why do you not want me near Chase?"

"Because I've had feelings for you, for a while now. But I've had to hide them and put them away from you. If I can't be with you, why should Chase. I've known Chase for a while, he's helped me with racing. I've gotten to know him like no one else. When I first met him he was dating a girl, but not for the right reason. He told me everything, enough to know that he's not the guy to treat a girl right. I don't want that to happen to you."

"How do you know he hasn't changed or that he was acting?"

"God Bryn, your so stubborn!"

"Answer my question!" I say crossing my arms.

"Once a Fuckboy, always a Fuckboy! They never change!"

"Fine Will, but do you really have feelings for me?"

"I did, but I was able to hide them from you, and stop them so we can just be friends, I'm sorry. I hope we can still be friends."

"Of course Will." I hug him. "Now what."

"Well it's almost 10. Want to go somewhere or just hang out?"

"Let's walk around!" I say to excited.

"Ok, let's."

Will and I walk around Daytona infield. Laughing, smiling, being our normal selves. We saw other racers and talked and did our normal fun things to do in the infield. Our friendship is great!

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