Chapter 31

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"What are you two doing?" I question.

I had been taking care of Ava all day and hanging around in her room. She's been really cranky and clingy. And once I finally got her to sleep I decided to check on the guys. But when I found them, they were in Will's room packing.

"We shouldn't be the ones to tell you." JH comments.

"What do you mean?" I ask clearly confused.

"Bryn, can we talk?" I hear Chase ask.

I turn around and see Chase behind me, in the doorway to Will's room. He puts out his hand and I take it. He leads us to my room and I sit on my bed.

"So the guys and I have been talking lately. They think we should live together, just you and me, and I agree with them. So we all decided they are going to move into my apartment, and I'll move in with you and Ava of course."


"Yes. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not. I'm going to miss living with them, but living with you sounds great."

"Good, I have Ryan helping me pack all my stuff to move here. I'll be back later with some of my stuff. I love you."

"I love you too. Have fun."

"Oh yes, because Ryan helping me go through all my stuff to put in boxes and my truck seems safe."

"Don't let him see to much."

"Oh trust me I won't."

*Chase's POV*

What Bryn didn't know was, Ryan and Sydney were already at my place packing for me. While I was headed to meet Denny.

The guys and I gave been talking a lot lately about me and Bryn. They've told me that it would be a good idea to propose. I already had the ring and a visible idea of how I wanted to ask her. The only thing left was Denny's blessing.

I pulled my truck into the Joe Gibbs Shop parking lot. I got out of my truck, locking the doors, and headed to the entrerance. Once I got inside I walked up to the lady at the desk.

"Hi, I'm here to talk to Denny Hamlin."

"Let me call and see if he's busy."

After a few minutes of walking around the lobby area, the lady calls me back over.

"He will be right out Chase."

After a minute or so of waiting, Denny walks down a long hallway leading to the lobby.

"Hey Chase what's up?" Denny asks.

"I wanted to talk, about Bryn."

"What about Bryn." He says suddenly becoming protective.

"Um, well."

"Chase tell me now!"

"I wanted your blessing, on me asking Bryn to marry me."


"I was thinking the 9th."


"We actually met a year ago on the 9th."

"You realize you'll have to take care of Ava, also."


"So what's the plan?"

"So, after Watkins, I surprise her and we head to Myrtle Beach. I know it doesn't sound fancy or like a big spot. But I was thinking Hawaii, but I didn't know with Ava. Plus Bryn said she wanted to take Ava to Myrtle Beach for her first week trip. Then I ask her on Tuesday. All the guys and their girl friends are going to join us, so they can help. Sydney, Ryan, Will, JH, Austin, Whitney, Ty, Hayley, Erik, Bubba, Reed, and some of the other guys. And if you wanted to come also, if it's ok with you that I propose."

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