Scorpio The...Spider?!

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This story is not to be taken seriously. I based it off a zodiac post on spiders and made every god act as their part from it and lucky Scorpio was the spider. Enjoy probably one of the weirdest stories I've ever created~

It was a day like any other in the heavens where the gods resided. The King in particular was hungry for some entertainment. He sat on his throne with a look of boredom etched on his face. Tapping his fingers on the armrest he pondered over what to do when the doors to the throne room opened and Scorpio entered the room.

The King immediately come to attention, a sly grin creeping over his lips as he looked at Scorpio.

“Perfect…” The King muttered as Scorpio had come to him to report about work.

Scorpio quickly caught on something was off and grew suspicious by the King's demeanor but before he had a chance to say anything the King had already made his move, snapping his fingers. The next thing Scorpio knew the world around him had started to grow bigger or was he just growing smaller?

Scorpio looked around in confusion and saw the King was now a giant in his eyes.

The King walked up to Scorpio and carefully picked him up and produced a mirror so Scorpio could see his reflection. That was when Scorpio realized just what had happened. In the mirror was the reflection of a hairy eight-legged beast- a spider.

Unable to talk in his current form Scorpio started hopping mad on the Kings’ hand but all he did was chuckle before again snapping his fingers and in a flash Scorpio had vanished before his eyes to somewhere more entertaining…

Scorpio was in a daze at first before pulling himself together and taking in his surroundings. It didn’t take him long to realize he had been transported to the house the gods dwelled. It just so happened every god was using the house today for one thing or another.

He was one cranky little spider but he hoped maybe he could entrust the help of another god and get them to return him to normal...but that will be harder than he realized. The gods surely wouldn't pick up on the spider as being Scorpio, right?

Scorpio hurriedly set off in search for one of the gods, scurrying his little legs as fast as they could go.

Aha! Huedhaut was sitting on the couch reading a book. Scorpio was in luck, or so he thought. Huedhaut was wiser than all the gods so surely he would be able to help him. Scorpio quickly made his way to the couch but It was a tower in his eyes. How was he going to get up to get to Huedhaut?

Ah, but then he remembered he was a spider now so he would have to put his legs into action and climb this couch. Scorpio set one leg onto the couch but immediately slipped off ‘freakin hell. Being a spider is freakin hard!’ Scorpio was getting frustrated but kept on persisting until finally getting the hang of it and managing to climb the couch.

He wanted to pass out as soon as he got to the top but this was no time for a break and so he scurried as fast as he could to Huedhaut who was still immersed in his book.

Scorpio wondered how he would get his attention and seeing that his focus was entirely on his book Scorpio decided that's where he needed to be. He carefully made his way over Huedhaut’s clothes until he jumping onto his book.

Scorpio then immediately turned to look at Huedhaut jumping up and down wildly to get his attention.

“Huh?” Though to Huedhaut he just looked like an aggressive spider wanting a fight as he jumped again and again.

Huedhaut looked surprised to see the spider suddenly appear on his book and instead of helping Scorpio like he wanted, Scorpio received a quick wallop to the face as Huedhaut swiped him off his book.

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