Ichthys Driving - Lesson Two

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"All set?" This time It was Ichthys turn. You still hadn't recovered from your lesson with Dui, and were even more worried about what fate had in store for you with this prankster. 

"Ready. Everything looks good to go." Ichthys replied. He looked eager to get started. You only hoped he would take it seriously and not view it as some game... Just the thought of him trying to play dodgem cars on the road had you shaking on your seat. 

Ichthys managed to smoothly start the car and set it in forward motion. So far, everything looked to be going well; you sure hoped it remained that way. However, your luck would soon run out. 

"That cars going too slow. I can go faster!" Ichthys boldly stated, and before you had a chance to react, Ichthys put his foot down on the pedal and pulling the car onto the other side of the road he sped past the traffic. 

"Ichhhhthys!! Pull back into our side!" You exclaimed in fear. Ichthys was smiling from ear to ear, laughter coming from his mouth as he enjoyed the ride. Then, just as you feared, a car was coming from the other direction, "Oh my...Ichthys!" You screamed, and in a flash, Ichthys had maneuvered out of harm's way by turning down a side street. 

You looked behind you to see the car pass by on the main street. You just sat there, blinking a few times in apparent shock. No amateur driver should be able to pull off a daring stunt like that but Ichthys did the impossible with ease. 

"Is something wrong?" Ichthys asked, a smile on his face. "No..." You shook your head and leaned back against your seat. You could feel a headache coming on. You reminded yourself to update your will later, because you didn't know if you would survive these terrifying ordeals with the gods. 

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