Picnic- Aigonorus

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"Want to try one of the sandwiches I made?"


You eagerly took the sandwich out of the picnic basket and handed it to Aigonorus.

"So? Do you like it?" You anxiously waited to hear what he would say but he just sat there slowly munching away.

Finally he looked like he was going to speak, "It was good." He said with a tiny smile.

You were filled with relief, "Thank goodness. I was worried for a moment there." Just as you relaxed you were suddenly pulled up against him, "Huh?" You were left dumbfounded by his sudden movement.

"I just wanted to hold you." He said in sleepy tone and gave you a gentle squeeze, "By the way did you bring any of those fluffy pillows?"

"Fluffy pillows? You can't sleep out here." You said with a raised eyebrow.

"No. I mean the ones you eat."

You were even more confused, you looked up at him with a puzzled expression, "Since when did you start eating pillows?"

Aigonorus started to get flustered and didn't know what to say, "I don't eat pillows..."

Then it finally hit you, "Marshmallows! That's what you mean."

Aigonorus quickly nodded in response, relived you finally understood what he meant.

You smiled and said in a excited voice, "I did! They are in the basket as well."

Aigonorus turned his eyes to the basket and without letting you go he brought it closer and raided it until he found them.

"Perfect. Now I have you and my marshmallows." He looked content and happy with himself. He started to munch away on the marshmallows with the cutest look on his face.

"Hmm. Have you been watching me this whole time?"

"Ah... N-No." You shook your head and quickly looked away but your red ears gave it away.

"Naughty girl." Aigonorus forced you to look at him and before you could react he had stolen your lips away in a sweet kiss. One that tasted of marshmallows.

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