The Gods Helping A Depressed MC

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I'm still on writing break. Kinda. I have just been feeling really depressed lately and stressed so I decided to write this. None of the stuff has happened to me of course but I thought others may be able to relate with something going on with the MC from the story.

"Uggh." It was the start of another dull day. You forced your bleary eyes open even though you much rathered just sleep the day away. Nothing seemed exciting anymore and you found yourself feeling empty inside.

Your life was a mess.

First you lost your job and then not too long ago heard about your cousin dying in an accident and now just a few days ago found out your best friend would be moving away. What else could go wrong?

You had pretty much lost the will to live that's how depressed you felt. All you could see was sadness and misery all around, swallowing you up in a pit of darkness with no ray of hope, no escape.

You tore your worn out body off of your bed and trudged around your bedroom as you got changed. Nothing but sigh after sigh escaping your lips.

Everything had lost its color, its radiance. The world had become dull in your eyes.

You didn't even know why you bothered to get out of bed and yet you still did like if by instinct. You had nothing planned for the day. Nowhere to go, nothing to do. It made you feel unbelievably weighed down seeing how pointless your life was right now. Your chest was like it was being squeezed and your head felt incredibly foggy making it hard to concentrate.

You tried watching tv, reading a book or even playing a game but none of them made you feel any better. You just couldn't enjoy them.

"What do I want to do...?" You hung your head in frustration. You had hoped to get a phone call about a job offer after going around town in desperation for a new one but so far nothing.

Your anxiety was just eating away at you and you feared just what may become of your future. If things only kept getting worse what would be the point of living anymore.

Something warm touched your cheek and it was then you realized you had been crying. You couldn't stop the flow of tears and begun to wallow in your misery that was your life.

Your body felt like led and you thought you might explode from all the pressure building up inside. Pain. That was all you could feel. So much pain.

"Ahhhh!" You screamed, holding your head in agony.

You felt lost. You wanted to find an exit but you were trapped. Trapped in your despair. Where was the exit you so desperately needed?

It's said that life always finds a way to get better even after being in such a deep, dark pit, but would this hold true for you? Would your life really find the light to vanquish this darkness that is consuming your heart and soul?

Just then as you were questioning your life there was a knock on your door.

Your head shot up in surprise, rubbing your tear stained cheeks you stood up and hesitantly opened the door.


You were shocked to see the gods standing on the other side with smiles on their faces.

"What are you all doing here?" You asked with wide eyes.

You hadn't seem them for some time as they had been very busy so you were in disbelief they had come to visit you now.

"We wanted to see you." Dui smiled.

"That's right. There's nothing with seeing our favorite goddess is there?" Ichthys added with a smile of his own.

"Tch. These two made me come." Pointing at Ichthys and Dui Scorpio grumbled and furrowed his brow.

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