40. The Blame Game

Start from the beginning

"Talking to him is the last thing you need to be doing right now, Jo."

"Oh, I'm not going back to talk to him."

"Then what do you plan to do?"

"Nothing that involves you."

Just as I head for the entrance of the bunker, Dean's coming out and heading towards the Impala.

"Where're you going?" I ask my brother.

"I really don't have time to deal with you right now."

"Look, if you're going after the Stynes, I want in."


"Because as hard as it is to believe, Dean, I want to kill them. I want them wiped off of God's green earth!" I slam the driver's side door as Dean tries to open it. "Take me with you."

"So, what? You can fuck this up too?" He pulls a gun on me. "Jo, I'm not gonna ask you. Let me do this. If you follow me, so help me God I will put you down. I will make it look like an accident too."

"Fine." I step forward, the barrel of the weapon against my skin. "Do it. Put me down now, because I plan on going after your pathetic ass. Isn't that what you want, Dean? To kill me? You've wanted me dead since I came out of Hell! You can fool a lot of people, but not me. I know you see me as a monster, even if you know I'm your sister."

His lip twitches, and for a second, I think I've sentenced myself to death. But the weapon is moved away from me. Dean opens the Impala door and climbs in. I try to move forward, but I get stopped. God damn it all. Red paint is sprayed on the ground. My own brother put me in a fucking Devil's trap.

"Oh, you asshat," I snarl.

"I may or may not let you out when I get back," he calls through the open window. I cough, swatting away the dust that kicks up as he pulls the Impala out onto the road. I look around feverishly. Come on, there's got to be something close by.

Then I spot it: a stick. Reaching out, I call on my power to fling it towards me. It subtly moves, and I concentrate harder. If I've got any shot of ending the Stynes myself, I can't do it stuck in a trap. If I can just scratch the paint off...Ugh, I wish I'd put a tracker in Baby.

The stick shoots into the air, landing inside of the trap. Breathing easier, I chip away at the spray paint, scratching part of the trap so the magic disappears. I make sure to cover all my bases until I accidentally snap the stick in half. I extend my hand outwards past the trap's boundary.

Nothing stops me.

I run inside to the bunker. Okay, okay. Do research on the Stynes. Find anything that can point you to where they are. Grab all weapons necessary. I think about the angel blade the Styne used against me. I'm definitely more than happy to shove that thing through his skull. But he's not normal by any means. He's stronger. He's got to be some sort of monster. Humans aren't that durable, or that strong.

I pass through the library, straight into my room. Weapons first, research second. I start shuffling about my room until I get myself stopped in the middle. I curse under my breath. I'm not standing on a Devil's trap, I'm standing under one this time.

"The fuck?" I huff, stomping my foot. When did that even happen? "Dean, I might just kill you before you kill the Stynes..." I look around and remember the angel blade in the mattress. Like with the stick, I extend an open hand towards it. Use the Force. It almost makes me laugh, the encouragement. Being a demon is no way equal to being a Jedi, but we share powers, sort of.

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