Chapter 4. Fun Time

Start from the beginning

"It's not strange, we finished the game I liked so I don't have anything else to do." I grinned.

"I'm the best at gaming!" Liu jokingly praised himself.

"Not you, brainiac. She's good at playing." I looked at Marika. "For a girl . . ." I mumbled. Liu laughed and we started 'cooking' again, more like watching Liu cook.

"Okay, next I want you two to stir this mixture up." Liu said as he handed us both a midget spoon. I call it midget because it's small. Problem?

We did as he said and stirred it, though I can't properly do so because of Marika's spoon mixing it in the wrong way, "Marika, you're stirring the wrong way!" I said beside her.

"No, you are stirring the wrong way." She snapped back as she fastened up her pace.

"Stop!" I said.

"Stop!" She mimicked me. I looked at her weirdly, she seems to be having fun with this. I looked at Liu and saw him smirking at us. Ah, useless idiot. I grabbed a pile of flour from the bowl in front of me and threw it at Marika. I laughed like hell when I saw how shocked she was, clearly she wasn't expecting this.

My laughter died down when she grabbed a handful of flour and blew it at my face. Soon enough we were having a flour fight with Liu trying to stop us but his presence was barely visible.

"Enough!" Liu said as he laughed. "The floor is a mess. I will cook! Now you two, go get cleaned up." Liu said as he pointed at our clothes with a laugh.

I can see why, we were both covered in flour, her black hair is now grayish white. I laughed as a held her hand and lend her to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my hair is not as messy as her's.

"I think you should take a shower, your hair is white!" I laughed at her as she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Here." I chuckled as I handed her a towel from the cabinet.

"Thanks." She said, the way she said it was . . . normal? I mean it's not like her voice before that's usually quiet and stammering and it didn't sound like she's scared or anything, it's just normal.

"No problem." I replied with a smile and shut the door as I left her. I went downstairs in the kitchen to see if Liu needs and help. I then saw three plates with a pile of pancakes each.

"How did you cook that fast!?" I stared wide-eyed at the food.

"I'm a genius." He smirked, I just rolled my eyes and went back to our room to get changed since he obviously don't need any help

Wait did I say 'our room'? No, I meant my room and it's staying as mine.

I stood in front of the mirror in my room and started patting the flour away, I ran a hand through my brown hair to remove the flour, my hair was originally black like Marika's but I bugged mom and dad to dye it so I can have the same hair color as Liu.

I finished changing and was about to go out but then I heard the door opened.

It was Marika and she's covered herself with the towel I gave her, "I forgot to bring my clothes." She nonchalantly said as she walked over her own drawer.

"Uh . . . I-I'll just leave." I took on last look at the mirror and saw myself blushing for some unknown reason, I just shrugged it off and walked out the room.

I went down and sat on the table with Liu as we wait for her. Why do girls take too long when dressing up?

After a few more minutes, we heard footsteps and saw Marika wearing a black and red short-sleeved dress which stop at her knees and makes her look like a killer doll. Lol, Chucky's bride? pfft.

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