For a moment, I could tell by the look on Gale's face that he had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned "my roots," so I decided to clarify.

   "You know, katniss roots? Get it?" I ask.

   Gale's face lights up with understanding. "Yeah, I get it," he says as his expression slides into a smirk. "but that joke was a total flop."

   "I have to agree, but it wasn't really supposed to be a joke," I respond naturally.

   "Well, I'm the only one who knows how to actually set a trap, so I'd better start on that."

   I'm sure that Gale is expecting some sort of comeback to this, but I only shrug my shoulders.

   "I'm going to head down to the lake. See you there soon?" I start to load up the game bag.

   "Sure thing. Just be careful Katnip. We don't want you getting hurt," Gale smiles and throws the rabbits at me.

   "Hey, be careful with those! They're expensive!" I say and shove them into the bag with the birds. "We'll come back for the buck later. See you soon."

   Gale waves quickly and turns to look for his usual trapping places. Meanwhile, I head off in the direction of the lake.

   I don't even begin to fish, really. I do take off my hunting boots, jacket, and throw my hunting gear and game bag on top of my pile of clothes though. With only a little splash, I dive into the water. It surrounds me and engulfs me completely. It's nice and cool, maybe a little chilly here and there, but it wouldn't really matter to me if it were nearly freezing. My skin felt alive with the familiar tickle of this water, my toes loving the distinct feel of the mud and sand coating the bottom of the lake.

   I float in and on top of the water for a while before I start to look for katniss roots. When I dig the tubers out of the bottom of the lake, the little bubbles that come up with them tickles my feet and legs. I manage to collect many of them before Gale shows up.

   "So you were just playing in the water the whole time, huh?" he smirks at me.

   "That was my plan all along!" I say before showing him a katniss root. "This is a katniss root."

    "We've collected them before, Katniss," Gale says while tugging off his shirt.

   "I forgot," is all I can get out before Gale ungracefully jumps into the water with a loud splash, sending water in all directions.

   I watch Gale's shadowy form from above the water until he comes up from the murky water he just stirred.

   "It's nice and cool today," Gale smiles.

   I don't say anything back, but I return the smile. Then I close my eyes and float on my back. Soon I start to do a kind of back-stroke, and then I just start swimming all around, easily shaking all of my problems with the world.

   I eventually open my eyes and find Gale staring at me. There's no real definition for the look on his face, nor a good enough emotion to describe it with. I pretend to ignore it for a while more, but eventually I have to ask him.

   "Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I ask.

   "No reason," he replies, but that look still lingers.

   I swim closer to where he stands in the water. "What is it? Is something wrong with what I'm doing?"

   He closes his eyes and shakes his head. "You're like a fish." He opens his eyes. "You're just like a fish."

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