Chapter Three

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   Thresh's blade drove through Clove's stomach just as my arrow hits her left shoulder blade. She falls over completely in an instant and a cannon fires. Before I knew what had happened, I ran over to Cato, Thresh, and Clove's corpse. As Thresh saw me approach, he slightly turned his head to the right and then began walking away from Clove's body. All of the sudden, Cato reached out and stabbed my ankle.

   "AHH!" I yelped unintentionally.

   It hurt so much that I collapsed and began to crawl toward where I thought Thresh told me to go to. I saw Thresh running at me and as I prepared for whatever impact he was going to lay upon me, I noticed he had hopped over me. I turned over and saw him running in the direction of the now running Cato, the dagger that was previously launched into my ankle in his hand.

   I dared myself to look down and check the damage to my ankle. I quickly looked away, horrified, at what I had seen. My entire ankle was bleeding, so much that it began to leak out of the top of my boot along with the gash that was in it. I felt hands wrap around my waist and I quickly proceeded to thrash backward. I heard a grunt and then turned around, forcing myself to a sanding position.

   "Look, I just want to help you, okay? No need to hurt me for it..." Thresh was standing in front of me, rubbing his temple where I had struck him. He was agitated.

   "I'm sorry, but why do you want to help me anyway? There's only five of us now, it's only a matter of time before you should finish everyone off."

   "I know, but you helped the girl, didn't you?" Thresh's eyes met mine for a moment, but I pulled my gaze away. He had reached my soft spot.

   "Rue? Yes, I covered her with flowers when she died. I sung her to sleep..." My throat clenched tightly at the memory

   "To, sleep?" My eyes met Thresh's once more.

   "To death."

   Thresh was taken aback, but he then stepped forward. "Relax, I'm just going to help you walk. I want to repay you. I don't like owing people, even someone who I might kill," My mind was racing as he yet again put his hand around my waist, the other with my hand in his.

   So Thresh didn't like owing people either. Who does, anyway?

   "Tell me about the girl," Threshs' voice disturbed my thoguhts.

   "She was lovely... She was just like a little  monkey leaping from tree to tree. She was incredibly strong, even though she looked as fragile as a porcelain doll. And she had the most amazing eyes..." At this point, my throat got that lump again so I just stopped talking.

   There was about ten minutes of silence between us before Thresh said,"Here we are. This is where I set up my camp... does this mean, we're allies? Or something?" Thresh had such a look on his face that I had to smile.

   "Yea, or something," I smiled a bit larger at him. He helped my through the main brush to the point where he said he had his supplies. I had never been this far before, and I'm not sure if Foxface made camp back here or not. Maybe Thresh is just luring me into a trap to kill me... it wouldn't surprise me. And yet, I still feel at ease with him.

   "Okay, we're here for real this time. Let me find something for your ankle..." Thresh gently set me on the ground in the middle of the brush. We were in a clearing. It was nice, and very cut off from the rest of the arena.

   I watched Thresh as he began to search around in his pile of odds and ends; he really has collected a lot. He slowly pulled out a small bow, no longer than my forearm, and opened it. Inside were bandages, disinfectant, medical gauze, scissors, and carious other medical objects my mother would never be able to afford back in the Seam. 

   "Where did you get all that?" I asked him, wide-eyed.

   Thresh just smiled. "You don't need to know," Thresh laughed. That was the first time I heard him laugh.

   Thresh took my ankle in his hand, very gently, and began to wrap it. "Wait, you should rinse it off first," I said.

   "Oh, okay. Let me just go over to the lake real quick- I'll run, and be back in about five minutes. Will you be fine?" Thresh asked. '

    "I'm sure I'll be okay. I have my bow. Even sitting down, I can still shoot things.

   "Alright, I'll be back soon enough," Then Thresh began running back into the brush. For me.

The Hunger Games- What If's (Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt