Chapter Ten

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   I could hear people . . . fighting, maybe? I made an attempt to open my eyes, but they were far too heavy. I felt an arm wrapped around me and suddenly jerked awake, wondering who the arm belonged to. My eyes burst open despite their struggle to stay shut, and I saw it was Peeta. Wait, Peeta? I looked around me and noticed I was still in the Games. I was still in the arena. And I still wasn't home.

   Slightly let down, I sighed. I guess it had all been a dream. I remembered it so vividly, though. I wished with all of my heart that this was a dream so I could get back to my normal life routine with Gale. So I could see Prim again.

   My thoughts were interrupted when again, I heard rushed footsteps and a quiet wailing as if someone was in pain. What was that?

   I shook Peeta until he was alert and listening to me. "Peeta, why are people fighting? It could only Foxface and Thresh. Who else COULD it be?" I asked Peeta hurriedly. When he didn't respond right away, I could tell that he was in too much pain to attempt speaking. "Oh, no Peeta. . . . We shouldn't have fallen asleep! It's all my fault!"

   Peeta tried with all his might, and finally mustered up the strength to say two words: "A feast."

   "Is it a normal feast?" I said, feeling more than a bit agitated that Peeta had heard the announce-ment and hadn't waken me up to tell me about it.

   Peeta shook his head. "Then I'm going," I declared.

   Peeta shook his head again more violently. "I have to. I'm going to save you, Peeta," with that, I gave Peeta a quick kiss and dashed off in the direction of the Cornucopia.

   I knew Peeta would try to follow me, but I also knew he'd have to take the long way around the river, considering that he probably didn't want to be soaked to the skin unnecessarily. Then again, he might consider it necessary. In either case, he would be safe as long as Thresh heads off in his normal direction and Foxface goes back to wherever it was she came from.

   I suddenly remembered that we were the only four alive. How long would it take for the Capitol to release some mutant creature on us? I hope it's not soon, I have to make sure Peeta's better first.

   I can see the Cornucopia now. I also see Thresh, and what appears to be Foxface, fighting each other. But then Foxface nimbly stumbles away and headed straight towards me.

   I ducked behind a tree as fast as I could possibly have gone, and thankfully I didn't think Foxface saw me. It's funny really, she's probably one of the smartest competitors and I didn't even think to learn her name. Then again, I didn't know she was as smart as she was before the Hunger Games.

   Thresh was still standing in the middle of the Cornucopia when I peeked out from behind the tree again. He was staring at a small package labeled '12'. I instantly stood up and walked towards him.

   "What are you doing?" I asked him cautiously. Thresh snapped out of it and looked up at me instantly. 

   "Just taking your package, that's all," he said nonchalantly.

   "Well, can I have it?" I asked, my hand moving to take the package from him as I stepped closer.

   "Why? Why do you want to save that pathetic little boyfriend of yours? I know he was cut, and I know this is medicine to save him. It just so happens, I don't like him and I really like you, so why would I give it to you? You'd just go back to him and save his pathetic life, and then where would we be? It would just be another person that would be standning in between me and going home. I don't want it to come down to us Katniss, because to be honest, I'm not exactly sure what I would do. But I can't let you spend any more time with that loser! What do you see in him? I mean I know he's from your district, but still. I just . . . I just don't understand."

The Hunger Games- What If's (Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें