10 minutes later

I walk in the building and see Riley at the door. "Riley?" I say. "Oh hi my mom just wanted me to give you this." Riley said handing me a bag. "Oh thank you Riley tell your mom I said thanks." "Okay bye y/n." I wave at her and walks in her home and I walk in mine. I open the door and Jared and Gen are gone and Jensen sitting on the couch. "Hey your back." "Hey ran into Riley in the hall Nikki got us something." "That was nice of her." Jensen said getting up to look at the bag. "I'm going to go shower and you and me are going to a nice restaurant okay?" I nod.

1 hour later

Jensen and I are getting ready. I'm putting the final touches on my face and Jensen is messing with the dogs. I think he bought them for him more then me. I walk out of the room and I'm looking at Jensen messing with them and I'm at the top of the staircase. Jensen pulls out his phone and takes a picture and posted it on Instagram. I get a notification and you can hear it ring. Jensen looks up and his eyes widen. "Y/n you look hot." "And you look handsome Jensen."
Jensen and I's outfits.

"Jensen and I's outfits

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"You ready?" Jensen said grabbing my hand and intertwined our fingers together

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"You ready?" Jensen said grabbing my hand and intertwined our fingers together. "When am I never." I say. "Well...." I act hurt. "I love you y/n." "I love you Ackles." We leave and go to dinner.

After dinner

We walk out of the restaurant and paparazzi are watching us to find the perfect moment to ambush us. Jensen sees them and grabs my hand and we cross the street. Then we walk to the carnival. "Do you wanna play some games?" Jensen said. "Okay but just don't get mad when I win." I say and we walk to a game. It is a game where you have to fill the balloon until it pops. I fill it and Jensen is on my tail I see it to the needle and it pops. I jump. "Here you go young lady congrats." I take the prize and we leave to another one. "I let you win that one." Jensen said. "Okay fine then let's do that one." I said pointing to 'toss-n-ring'. "Your on." "Oh and don't go easy." I toss a ring and it makes it around the top. Jensen throws one and it makes it. I do a strategy as I am getting to throw it Jensen distracts with one of his cute faces. I mess up  and Jensen laughs. "Oh sorry did I distract you?" "Yeah you did asshole!" He throws his and makes it. I am ready to throw it and...."BOO!" Misha yells scaring me. Jensen is laughing and Misha seeing me so pissed. Jensen and makes it. He wins an alligator. "Sorry y/n." Jensen said making a frowny face. I walk and go to a shooting game. I'm shooting and Jensen comes behind and trys to aim at a balloon even though I knew how to shoot. But it was cute how he was trying to help me. "Great job." The lady said making googly eyes at Jensen not even caring I was looking. "Okay can my wife get her prize?" Jensen said with attitude. "Yeah." She said jerking me the tiger. I roll my eyes and Jensen puts his hands around me. Making sure that guys don't even try looking at her. We win a couple more prizes. Jensen had to use the restroom. I waited for him outside. I was on my phone texting y/b/f. Your best friend. A guy walks up to me and checks me out. "Can I help you?" "Yeah what's your name doll face?" "Its y/n are we done?" "Why don't you come with me I can show you a fun time." "No thanks buddy." He leans in and starts kissing me I try and push him off but his grip was just so tight. "Get off her man!" Jensen said angerly. "Who wants to know?" He says. "Her husband!" He gets off me and turns and sees him and backs away. And leaves. "Did he hurt you?!" "No, thank you." He nods and kisses me. We walk on the soft sand and see people leaving. "Its beautiful." "I wouldn't say its beautiful." Jensen said and I look at him. "Why not?" "Because your beautiful." I blush and leans in and kisses me. "I can't wait for you to be your wife." I say. "I can't wait to call you y/n Ackles." We kiss and walk back to the car. We get home and the dogs playing with there toys. I pick up Sparky. "Hey cuty!" And Jensen picks up Cuddles. "Yeah I think I like Sparky better. Sorry Cuddles." Jensen said I roll my eyes. I give the dogs the smaller prizes for them to play with. "Okay I think its time to go to bed." Jensen said picking up the dogs and putting them in the pen that he set up. He walks to me and picks me up like a baby. And carries me in our bedroom. I put on one of Jensen's old t-shirts and shorts. "Best day ever. Thank you Jensen." "Your welcome now come here." Jensen said with his arms out. I snuggle into him and soon drift off to sleep.

[Completed] Falling In Love With Jensen AcklesWhere stories live. Discover now