Nixie and Weilan said in their letter that there were okay, and they hadn't been harmed in anyway, and they were given food and water everyday.

Evie sighed as she sat on the sand. She drew her knees up to her chin and wrapped her arm around her legs. She wanted to help Zac, but she couldn't be any use to the mermaids. She was no longer a mermaid herself.

About a year prior, Evie accidentally got caught in the Moon Pool one full moon, when trying to save Zac. She had ended up becoming a mermaid. She had even been given a moon ring! However, she lost her tail and her powers in the exact same way as she had acquired them.

Evie closed her eyes for few moment, inhaling and exhaling deeply, as she tried to clear her mind of all the stress and worry she had. She reached into her pocket to get her phone. She tried calling Carly, but Carly had answered, saying that she was too busy helping David at the café.

Evie wanted to call Zac, but knew that he was too busy, so she put her phone away. She saw someone walking up to her. At first she thought it was Zac, which puzzled her. But then she saw blonde hair, and realised it was Cameron.

Evie stood up, and began walking to Cameron.

Then something happened.

Another man appeared behind Cameron.

Then another.

And another.

It was then when Evie realised her mistake: it wasn't Cameron walking towards her; it was Erik. Josh, Gareth and Matteo were with him.

Evie turned around and ran. She didn't look back until she reached the end of the beach. She saw nobody.

She was alone.

Evie sighed, relieved. But when she turned around, she was face to face with Erik.

Erik folded his arms and grinned. "Hello, Evie."

Evie looked around, and realised she was surrounded by the mermen.

"How did you - " Evie began.

"You forgot that mermen can turn invisible," Matteo said.

"Well, I can't," Gareth reminded, panting slightly. "I had to run!"

"Erik, what do you want from me?" Evie asked.

Erik didn't move. His smile just widened. "I have a couple of friends who want to see you."

"Friends? You have friends?" Evie tried to joke.

"Harsh," Erik said, before continuing. "Yes, they go by the names of Nixie and Weilan."

Evie tried to scream, but no sound seemed to come out of her mouth. She tried running away, but she couldn't get passed any of the mermen.

Erik grinned at Evie. "Goodnight..."

Then, to Evie, everything was black.


"I've been thinking," Charlotte said.

"About?" Dr Denman asked as she began typing on her computer.

Charlotte examined the moon ring on her finger. "Fish-Boy said that he was going to get rid of all the mermaid magic, including magic from land-girls."

"He's going to try," Dr Denman corrected Charlotte.

Charlotte's eyes widened. "You don't think he can do it?"

Dr Denman shrugged. "Deep down, Erik is just a young boy. A merman, who fell in love with a mermaid. Do you really think he could activate the Chamber? Because I believe it's just big talk; he'll chicken out, like he did on the last full moon."

Charlotte thought about Dr Denman's words, before continuing. "So what about Matteo's mother?"

"What about her?" Dr Denman asked.

"She's a mermaid, remember?"

Dr Denman turned to look at Charlotte. "Yes, I do remember! Wait, if Erik is removing all mermaid magic..."

Charlotte nodded. "He'd be removing Matteo's mother's mermaid side as well."

Dr Denman thought for a moment. "But... Erik promised Matteo that she could stay a mermaid and come and live with us all on Mako? If she isn't a mermaid, she won't be able to."

Charlotte and Dr Denman shared a look of confusion and worry.

"Erik can't fully control the Chamber himself," Dr Denman explained to Charlotte. "He says he can, but I know that he's been awake most nights, trying to find a way to fully control the Chamber. But he can't. All he can do is activate it."

"So what do we tell Matteo?" Charlotte asked.

Dr Denman gave a sad smile, and shrugged. "Nothing."

Mermaids Vs Mermen (A 'Moon Stones Gone Missing' Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now