Chapter 28: 'I'm Sorry'

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Now that I didn't have my iPod or anything to do as I sat here in the corner, I decided to go back to the dressing room. The boys were doing the show, so I most likely had about 2 hours before anyone came back.

I looked around to see if there was anything to do, finding Michael's laptop on the table. He won't mind if I borrow it right? Probably not. I opened the laptop and pulled up Netflix, putting on one of my favorite shows. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep, as I was tired from what had happened today.

Luke's POV:

I knew that if I had stopped to talk to Harley, I wouldn't want to leave her. So I just picked up her iPod, putting it into my back pocket and walking away to start the show. Plus, Harley said she didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Talking to her in the morning would be a better idea, especially since she's always really tired after shows because they end really late.

I tried to reassure myself that it was okay, and that Harley would be okay through out the whole show but I just couldn't get it off of my mind. I was so off today, I messed up the end of Vapor and forgot the words to JBH.

"Hey man, are you okay? You've never messed up Jet Black Heart..." Ashton said, putting his hand on my shoulder as we walked back to the dressing room. "Yeah, that was odd. Is it because of Harley?" Calum added.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm just so worried about her. She threw her iPod across the room, and she was balling her eyes out."

"Wait, when did this happen?" Mike asked, his brows furrowed.

"Did you guys not see her?" I back tracked a little, to where Harley was previously sitting. "She was here when we were walking to the stage before the show." I looked around the area just to make sure she wasn't here.

"I didn't see her." Ashton said, the other boys agreeing with him. I ran a hand through my hair, starting towards the dressing rooms. Before I could get there, my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket, seeing Arzaylea's name across the screen.

"Luke, I swear to god if you answer that I'll hit you so hard you'll forget every word to every song we've every written." Calum warned me, and we glared at each other for a seconds before I walked away to answer the call.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" He yelled, and I turned around for a brief second to flip him off.

Micheal's POV

I rolled my eyes at the two of them, walking away from Ash and Calum to go back to the dressing room. "Hey Har-" I started as I entered the room, then seeing her asleep on the couch with my laptop playing Netflix on her stomach. I turned it off, closing my laptop and putting it back into my bag.

"Harley, it's time to wake up. I'm gonna take you to the tour bus." I whispered, shaking her shoulder lightly. By now both Ashton and Calum have come back, doing their own stuff. "Mikey?" She asked, groggily.

"Yes, bub?" I said, smiling at her slightly messy bedhead.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Yelling at you guys. I don't want you guys to be mad at me." She muttered, her eyes still closed.

"We're not mad, I promise. Now come on, we're gonna go to the tour bus." She nodded, so I lifted her up off the couch and she wrapped her arms around her neck and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Tell Luke where I took Harley so he doesn't flip." I grabbed my bag and started walking to the tour bus. I'm pretty sure Har fell asleep again, but she would soon be woken up by all the screaming fans outside.

As I predicted, the fans started screaming as loud as they could once we walked outside. "Ugh, they woke me up." Harley said, hiding her face in my shoulder. I smiled down at her, "Sorry, love. They're quite loud."

"Mikey, can we watch a movie and eat food?" She asked, and I laughed. "I thought you were tired, Har? But I'm always down for movies and food." I entered the tour bus, setting Harley down on the couch.

"I'm a little tired, but I'm also really hungry."

"Alright, I'll get some food and you go pick out a movie." Harley smiled, running off to pick out a movie on Netflix. I gathered some of the food that we had on the tour bus, which wasn't much. I walked to the back of the bus, sighing as I saw Harley asleep. I grabbed the blanket and put it over her, deciding to go to the front of the bus to do some stuff on my laptop.

"I still can't believe your actually fucking doing this, Luke." Calum said, as he, Luke, and Ashton entered the bus.

"Shhh! The child is sleeping!" I whisper yelled at them, already done with whatever they were fighting about. They all apologized before continuing their conversation just slightly quieter.

"Luke and Ariella are getting back together." Ashton filled me in, and I suddenly had the overwhelming urge to just slap Luke.

"You're kidding me, right? I thought you learned how much of a bitch she is? And what about Harley? This is going to make her so upset." I shook my head, already not approving this.

"Okay, she promised that she would be better. And I'm going to make sure that nothing happens between her and Harley. Trust me." Luke explained, and I rolled my eyes. "How many times has she promised  you that. Whatever Luke, just make sure she doesn't hurt Harley again."

"You guys are acting like your my parents and I'm fifteen years old. So fuck off." Luke said, turning to walk away from us.

"Seriously Luke, you're going to wake Harley up so shut the fuck up." Calum and Ashton both turned to look at me, and I realized what I said.

"Fuck, I'm turning into a mother."  


accidently wrote Arzaylea instead of Ariella but I was too lazy to change it. oops? also couldn't think of a chapter title but fuck it who cares )

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