Chapter 18: 'Go Away!'

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I sobbed into Luke's chest for what felt like hours, him just holding me tight against his chest. He smoothed back my hair and kissed my forehead over and over just to comfort me. "Baby bug, why do you say that?" Luke asked, his voice sounding broken.

"So many people didn't get a choice, but I did. It doesn't make sense!" Getting increasingly more upset, I kicked my feet and pushed one of the 'Get Well Soon' teddy bears off the end of the bed. "Go away!" Luke made a face as I tried to push his body away from mine, my weak arms not doing any good.

"Do you really want me to leave?" He asked, standing up from where he was sitting and walking towards the door. I nodded my head and brought the blanket my mum got for me from home up over my face.

Luke's POV:

I learned early on in having a little sister that forcing her to tell you things would never be a good idea. Especially with Harley. She would only get mad if forced to talk about something she didn't want to talk about. So I left her room, going to the Café where they sold the horrible hospital food that I was sick of and took a seat.

I almost started to cry but was interrupted by a couple of fans. "Oh my gosh, Luke can we please get a picture with you?" I was so tempted to say no due to my current state. I probably looked like shit but I decided that one picture couldn't hurt. Giving them a small smile and a quick nod, I stood up and put my arms around the girls as their mother took a picture. We then talked for a few minutes about a few things before my phone started ringing and I said I had to go.

Surprisingly, it was Ariella. I didn't expect her to call me again or even talk to me again after I left. That's kind of the way she is. You don't do what she wants and she gets pissed about it then indirects you on Twitter. I don't know why but for some reason I still liked her.

I went to a spot that was more private before answering the phone. "Hey, Ari. What's up?" I asked, staring down at my fingers.

"Luke, I miss you." She whispered. I could hear how hurt she was just by hearing those four words. Since it's been a month since we've seen each other, or even talked, I kind of missed her too. Though, it was nice to not have to listen to her complaining about Harley all of the time.

"I miss you, too."

"What is happening with us? Are we even still together?"

"Honestly Ari, I don't know. I guess we never officially broke up, but Harley being in the hospital and it almost being Christmas, I can't fly to LA and see you." I knew things between us probably wouldn't work out, but Ariella sounded determined to make it work.

"That's okay. I'll come to you, it can work. We can make it work." I ran a hand through my hair. She wouldn't give up unless I said yes and I honestly believe things could work out between us. So I agreed, letting her come to Australia and spend Christmas with my family. It couldn't be that horrible, right? After hanging up the phone and buying her the plane ticket, I decided that Harley probably had enough time to cool off and calm down.

I entered her room to see her sleeping with her long blonde hair spread out on the pillow with some of it stuck to the dry tears on her cheeks. Slowly and quietly, I walked over to her and pushed the hair out of her face and behind her ear then leaned down and lightly kissed her forehead so I wouldn't wake her up. I decided to go home tonight because my mom was probably staying with her, so I turned around and walked back towards the door.

Just as I was about to leave, I heard Harley say something. I didn't know exactly what she said as her voice was so quiet, but I still turned around to look at her. "Stay please?" She whispered, holding her arms out. I didn't even have to think twice about it. I texted my mom telling her I would stay tonight and walked over to Harley. I lightly picked up her small body so I wouldn't crush her and laid down on the bed before laying her next to me.

Harley's POV:

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier. I want to go home." I said, as I felt Luke kiss my forehead. "It's fine bug. I know you do, I'll talk with mummy and the doctors tomorrow and see what I can do." I nodded at what he said and held the teddy bear I feel asleep with earlier tight to my chest. We laid still for a few moments and I was almost convinced that he had fallen asleep, but my eyes widened and let out a rather loud gasp. Luke seemed startled, not sure exactly what was going on.

"Bug, what's wrong? What happened?" He pulled me away from him so he could look at my face and make sure everything was okay. "Where's Mikey? And Cal and Ash?" I said, my eyebrows furrowed. Luke smiled at that and let out a soft chuckle, "You can see them when you get home. They all came in to see how you were doing earlier."

"Oh, okay. I want to see them now, though. Why can't I?" Luke pulled me back, tight to his chest. "They're all busy. But, I'll talk to them and ask if they can come visit you, okay?" He said, and I just nodded, already falling asleep. Luke kissed my forehead again and rubbed my back soothingly.

"Goodnight, baby bug."

Tiny Dancer (Luke Hemmings' Little Sister)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu