Chapter 20: 'Will You Be My Valentine?'

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"I'll never leave my room, you can't make me!" I yelled out to my mother who was on the other side of my locked door. I was just sitting in the living room watching Disney channel when the evil witch came in, and this time I didn't have my trustee sidekick at my side to protect me from her. Apparently Luke thought it would be a good idea to invite Ariella over for Christmas. Which it wasn't. Cause I don't like her and I don't want her here. Unfortunately, she ended up staying till Valentine's Day. She was supposed to be leaving, but she made up some kind of excuse for why she couldn't.

I huffed and laid back down on my bed, pulling my blanket over my face. My plan was to hide out in my room until she left, but my mother obviously didn't like that plan. She wanted me to be kind and nice to our guests, but who likes doing that?

"Harley Annalise, open this door right now!" Mummy yelled, and I could pretty much hear how mad she was. I thought for a moment or a second, but I quickly decided to save myself and go to my hiding spot, which was under my bed. Not the best hiding spot, but it worked. I was surprised when I didn't hear my mom again, though it was good because it most likely means she just gave up.

"You know your gonna get hungry and have to come out sooner or later right?" I heard Michael say. I pursed my lips, resting my head on the ground. "Mm..... No. I'm not gonna."

"Oh, you're not? Well, then your gonna have to come out cause I'll miss my little Harley too much."

Well, of course I would miss Mickey. He's my favorite cause he's the coolest. I crawled out from under my bed and over to the door, sitting right in front of it. I had finally gotten out of the cast a week ago and I now just had to wrap it for extra support so it didn't bother me. Michael started to softly knock on the door, so I slowly unlocked it and opened it.

"Aw, there's my Harley!" He smiles, lifting me into his arms and bringing me downstairs before I could argue with him about it. I crossed my arms over my chest and put a pout on my face. Yes, it seemed immature but I'm still only nine, well, almost ten but that's beside the point. I'm still young and I can totally have pouty moments. Since it was Valentine's Day, we decided to have a huge family dinner. Michael, Ashton, and Calum came over after they were finished rehearsal for Sounds Live Feels Live.

Michael set me down on the couch next to Luke, which I didn't like very much. I was mad at him because he didn't make Ariella leave, and now he's spending all his time with her because "She's going to miss him while he's on tour." But what about me? I'm going to miss him too but he's not spending any time with me so I'm mad at him. I tightened my arms across my chest, putting to best mad face I could possibly have on. It obviously didn't work though.

"Your so cute when you act mad, Har." Luke smiles, poking my cheek. I quickly swatted his had away, making growling noises at him. "I'm not acting, I'm actually mad!"

"Don't be mad, you have nothing to be mad about." Ariella shrugs, putting a piece of the popcorn that her and Luke were eating into her mouth. Yeah, if only I could tell her what I was mad about.

"Yes I do." My scowl quickly turned into a pout. I watched Luke as he got off the couch and went to talk to the boys. I think he's even scared of Ari. I almost got up to follow him, but I was rudely interrupted. "Oh, like what? Just wait until you grow up and have real problems."

I just about blew up. I wanted to call her bitch, since I had heard Mickey say it so much but I knew it was bad and I would get in trouble so I gave her a glare as I thought of something else to say.

"Why don't you just leave me alone already?" Not giving her a chance to respond, I pushed myself up off the couch and headed over to the back door. "Mummy, I'm going to play outside!" I yelled out.

The backyard was kind of boring when you were on your own, but Ariella wasn't there so it was pretty good at the moment. I started to hum one of my favorite songs, sitting down on the ground and playing with some of the leaves. As I got more into arranging the leaves into a heart on the ground, I started to actually sing. I changed the song I was singing to a 5sos song, not exactly noticing that I was actually singing pretty loudly. I almost jumped five feet into the air when I noticed Michael was sitting next to me and I quickly hushed up and stopped singing.

"No, keep going little one. You sounded great." He smiled down at me. "Mm, I'm not that good.... Singing is Luke's thing. Plus, I can't sing one of your songs to you, that'd just be weird!"

"Just because Luke sings doesn't mean that you can't. And of course you can, you're better at singing it then we are anyway!" Michael pulled me into his lap, rubbing my back like he did whenever I was sad. Recently it's seemed like he's a better big brother than Luke is.

"I guess so. But I think I'll just stick to dancing." I shrugged. Dancing was what I loved to do, and it was also what I was best at. Sure, I did love to sing but I could never actually try to do that as a job. People would just think I was copying Luke and I wouldn't like that very much.

"Well, then you do that!" He started, "Actually, I have a question for you. Will you be my Valentine?" I kind of saw that coming, it's been a joke that Michael was my boyfriend since I was little and used to tell everyone that.

"Only if you get me chocolate." I giggled, a big smile on my face for the first time that day.

"It's not Valentine's Day without chocolate! Now come on, let's go back inside."

Authors note//

Hello, loves! Wow, I actually can't believe how well this story is doing.... I never thought it was that good and I've actually been considering stopping it, but seeing how much you all like it I couldn't do that! So here's a quick lil update for you ;)

Ps: I'm starting a new story!! It's a Calum one and totally cliché, but who doesn't love a cliché love story every now and then?? It'll be up soon!

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