Chapter 7: 'Tiny Dancer'

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Well, Luke was right. Like always. Don't tell him I said that. I did kind of get mobbed, but it all ended up fine. I took a few pictures with people, and it made me feel kind of weird. I didn't understand why people would want a picture with me. I was just a dancer, a tiny dancer from Australia that didn't really mean much.

One of the crew member's wife had to come out with me. She had to go back stage a song early, and I didn't want to go back yet. I knew Luke would be mad, probably more at her then me, but I was trying to work up enough courage to ask one of these girls why they wanted selfies with me. I knew what the answer was going to be, but I was secretly hoping I was wrong. That maybe someone was actually a fan of me, and not just because of Luke.

When Luke saw I was by myself, I honestly thought he was going to walk over here and carry me backstage himself.

"Hey! Your Harley right?" Someone asked from behind me.

"Yeah, that's me. What's up?" I asked her, she looked a few years older then me. Somewhere around Luke's age. I was bracing myself for her to rude to me, because she kind of had a look on her face that made me think she hated me.

"I'm Ariella. One of Luke's friends." She smiled at me. That was not what I was expecting. I wasn't sure if I should believe her. Luke hasn't told me about anyone named Ariella, and he pretty much always tells me about all of his friends. "He shows me pictures of you all the time. He never stops talking about you." She continued.

"Well it's nice to meet you. I was uh, about to go backstage. Do you have a pass?" I asked her. She smiled at me and pointed to the tag around her neck. "Alright, let's go." I took her hand and led her through the crowd, trying to remember exactly the way we came. When we finally got through the crowd and backstage, the concert had ended.

"Harley Ann Hemmings, I swear- Ari." Luke started yelling at me, but got caught off guard when he saw Ariella.

"Hey Luke." She smiled sweetly at him. I was still clueless as to who she was, but at least I knew she actually had met Luke before. I looked up at Luke as if it was a sign for him to introduce me to her.

"Oh, Harley this is Ariella, my girlfriend. Ari, this Harley. My little sister." I smiled at Ari again, she seemed like a nice girl. I've never had very good relationships with of Luke's past girlfriends. I was hoping this was different, for Luke's sake. I felt bad that I kind of always ruined his relationships even if he told me it wasn't my fault.

"I'm gonna go get changed I'll be back in a minute." Luke said, he patted me head before walking off.

'Alright, Harley. Listen here, if you get in the way of me and Luke, I swear to god I'll make him hate you." She said crouching down to be the same height as me. I knew this was coming.

"First of all, it's Luke and I, not 'Me and Luke'," I corrected her. Maybe I was becoming like Myla. That sounded like something she would say. "I, uh, I'm sorry that was rude. I'm just gonna go hang out with the boys, you can stay with Luke." All of my confidence kind of just shrank away like it always did. I really didn't want to ruin this for Luke, so I just walked away.

I passed Luke on the way to the dressing room. "Hey Harley, what's wrong?" Mikey asked as I plopped down on the small leather couch. "Everything's fine, except for the fact that Luke's new girlfriend hates me. Like always."

"Aw, Har. I bet she doesn't hate you. It's impossible for someone to hate an adorable little girl like you." Mikey said. He sat down next to me and gave me a small hug. "I'm bored, can we do something?" I asked. Lauren and Harry left that morning, so I didn't have them to run around and play with.

"Of course little one, what do you want to do?" I didn't really know what I wanted to do. There wasn't much to do in a tour bus or in a hotel. We were staying in a hotel tonight because the boys were playing two nights at one venue. "What can we do?"

"We can go get food cause I'm starving, or we can go get food." Michael joked. 

"I guess we can go get food then." I giggled. "Can we ask the other boys if they want to come too?" I knew Luke probably didn't want too, he was too busy spending time with his new girlfriend. I wasn't really sure if I wanted him and Ariella to come anyway. "The boys? Nah, I hate those losers." He laughed.  "If you want to you can. I don't mind." 

"Do any of you want to get food?" I yelled into the back room of the dressing room. "Food? I want food!" Calum said running out from the back. "Ashton's too tired to come. What about Lucas?" He asked.

"He's with Ariella, he probably doesn't want to come." I was a bit annoyed about the whole situation, I just didn't want to ruin yet another relationship of Luke's.

"Alright then, let's get going little one!" Michael pulled me up from the couch and threw me over his shoulder. I wasn't expecting that, so I started screamed and started protesting for him to put me down. Michael finally had to put me down when we had to leave the venue. There were a lot of fans outside so I had to hold both Calum and Michael's hands. We walked throw the crowd and down the street to the little pizza shop. There fans following us, it kind of freaked me out but they told me to just ignore it.

They sat us down at a little table in the back of the restaurant. There was a security guard that had to stand by the door to make sure no fans got in. "So, how has you life been Harley?" Calum asked me. We haven't been able to talk much since I've got here because they were so busy.

"Normal. I've been dancing and that's pretty much it." I shrugged and took a sip of my water. It was totally true, all I ever did was dance. "Myla hasn't been bugging you too much right? You guys seemed all right when she came backstage." At the mention of Myla, I remembered what I had said to Ariella earlier. She was probably telling Luke about how rude I was to her as was speak.

"Yeah, were fine. She was a bit rude about everything at first, but  I think she's okay with it now." I kind of lied, we weren't really fine and she still hated my guts. We ordered our food and it came about 15 minutes later. Mikey looked distracted for a few minutes, he was focused on his phone and looked like he was texting someone.

"I think your gonna stay in my room tonight, okay Harley?" Oh great. I already knew exactly why. Well at least I get to hang out with Mikey tonight.

"Alright. Did Luke tell you why? He's not mad at me right?" I asked in a panic afraid that Ariella was telling him lies. "No, he didn't sorry peanut. I don't think he's mad at you though." He smiled.

"Does he have a reason to be mad at you, Har?" Calum asked me. Of course he had to ask that. At first, I just shook my head no. Cal didn't buy my pass of the question and asked again.

"I was kind of rude to Ariella. But what she said to me was worse right?" Calum smiled at me, probably to try and calm me down from freaking out over something so simple. "I can't answer that question if you don't tell me what she said." He laughed.

"She said if I got in the way of her and Luke's relationship she would make him hate me." I rolled my eyes. "Ooh, that's worse then the last one!" Mikey said.

"Yeah, that's for sure."

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