Chapter 6: 'Guess who has two thumbs and a talent manager?'

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They boys had to do a bunch of interviews before the show that night, so I ended up having to go with them. Ashton, Calum, and Luke where fighting over who had to wake Michael up. It was 11:00 in the morning and they had to be at the radio station at about 12:30.

"I think Harley should do it! At least he wouldn't murder her!" Ashton suggested. I'm not sure I was okay with this. The other boys all agreed, so I rolled my eyes and got up off the couch. "Hey Mikey, you have to wake up. You have interviews today." I said while shaking his shoulder. He groaned and turned over. "Mikey! Wake up!" I said a bit louder.

"Fine, I'll get up." He finally agreed. I smiled at him and skipped out to the front of the bus. Michael came in shortly after I did, and the boys all looked me with disbelief.

Everyone got ready to go, and we all got into the black SUV that was taking us to the radio station. I knew there would be fans there, and since this is my first time meeting fans with them actually knowing who I am, I was quite nervous. Luke's phone started ringing, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Mom wants to talk to you." He said handing me his phone. I took it from his hand and held it up to my ear.

Harley: Hey mom, what's up?

Liz: I got a from the talent agent about you interview, she said they would love to have you be apart of their team!

My face lit up and I looked at Luke excitedly, he just looked confused.

Harley: Really?? That's awesome! Oh my gosh this is amazing! I'm gonna be more famous then Luke!

Obviously I was joking, I'm pretty sure it's impossible for me to become more famous then him. I said good bye to my mom and handing Luke back the phone.

"What happened, bug?" He asked looking at my excited face. "Guess who has two thumbs and a talent manager?" I said pointing my thumbs at my self, "This girl!" Luke gave me a side hug and kissed my forehead because we were still in the van.

"That's great! You probably will become more famous then us!" Luke joked, I'm pretty sure they were still in denial that they were famous and headlining their own tour. We finally pulled up outside the building. Just like I suspected, there was fans crowding the whole place and freaking out when they saw the van pull up. "Remember to stay with me, or one of the boys the whole time. I don't want you getting lost or hurt." Luke told me. He was a really overprotective brother, so I kind of guessed that would happen. When I introduced him to my first 'friend that was a boy' he freaked out. Jack and Ben did too, but since me and Luke are closer in age then they are, we kind of have a closer relationship.

I held onto Luke's hand as tight as I possibly could, I was scared that I would get lost in the huge crowd of wild fans that just wanted to meet their idols. The security guards led us throw the crowd and into the huge building.

A larger man came up and introduced himself to the boys, and said hi to me. My shy side came out, and I hid behind Luke like a four year old. "Bug, it's alright, you can hi!" Luke laughed at my shyness.

I peeked out from behind Luke. "Hi." I said quietly. The man smiled at me and started talking to Luke. I heard him ask if it would be alright to ask me a few questions during the interview. "Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me." I shrugged. The boys started the interview. Half way through they invited me to come and sit down with them. Since there wasn't enough room I had to sit on Luke's lap. I was okay with until he started to complain about how bony my butt was.

"Alright then, getting to the questions," The interviewer said. Probably trying to stop me and Luke's bickering about how bony my butt is. Aw, sibling love. "Okay, what is one of your favorite memories together from when you were younger?"

"We actually used to hate each other. We would fight all the time." I said laughing. "I remember when you bit my leg and I had to get stitches." I was like two, don't judge me. The man laughed, "That wasn't exactly what I was expecting." Maybe I should learn what his name is.

"One more question for you, What's your favorite 5sos song?"

"5sos? Oh, I hate that band. And I don't know any of their songs. " I joked. 

"Wow, that was cold." Ashton said putting a hand on his heart.

"I thought you loved us, Harley?" Michael fake cried. I looked at them all with a fake surprised look on my face, "Wait- your 5sos? Right, um, the only song I like by them is Close as Strangers. All of their other songs suck." Luke rolled his eyes playfully, probably slightly annoyed because I do this all the time. 

"Well, thank you for joining us today guys!" The interviewer man said and we all said our goodbyes.

Since the boys had sound check and the show later, we had to go back to the venue to get ready for their show. We pretty much did nothing the rest of the day except for sound check and mess around in the dressing room. The whole day I've been trying to convince Luke to let me watch the show from the crowd, but that hasn't been going well. I guess he was scared I would get mobbed or something, and didn't know who would go with me.

"Please bubby? I'll be fine, and a security guard can go out with me if you won't let me out alone." I begged.

"I think you'll be fine watching from backstage. Plus, you'll probably be able to see better. Why do you want to watch from the crowd?" I rolled my eyes, annoyed at him being too overprotective.

"It's different watching from the crowd, it's a different experience and I've only ever been able to watch from backstage." I said giving Luke the puppy dog eyes, since I knew he couldn't resist them.

"Fine, you can watch from the crowd. But, you're sitting in the front row where I can see you and someone is going with you." Luke finally gave in too me begging. I knew he would eventually.

(A/N: This chapter took me so long to write and I don't even know why)

Tiny Dancer (Luke Hemmings' Little Sister)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें