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Here are the answers to the amazing questions you guys asked!

Why do you wish that the fans didn't know that you were Luke's little sister? Sometimes I feel like people only like me because of them, and I don't like that. So I think it would be better if no one knew....

If you weren't Luke's sister, what would you be? If I wasn't Luke's sister, I would want to be Mikey's. He's my favorite.

How excited are you for your dance career? I'm so excited! I love dancing more than anything!

Do you really want Luke to leave and go on tour? If it means Ariella goes with him, then yes.

How much do you hate Ariella? So much, it's almost too much.

If you could have Mikey as a brother/move in with him. Would you? Right now, yes I would rather have Mikey as a brother.

Why did you forget Harley's birthday? I didn't forget Harley's birthday.

Why are you letting a girlfriend get in the way of your relationship with Harley? Harley's getting in the way of me and Harley's relationship.

Bruh, you have crossed the line with forgetting Harley's birthday. Trust me, I know that. She's made it very clear to me.

Break up with Ariella, she's so mean.... She's not once you get to know her. I love her, so I'm not breaking up with her.

Do you like hanging out with Harley? Of course I do, she's the cutest little thing ever.

If you could, would you be a brother to Harley if Luke ignores her? I think I already am a brother to Harley, if Luke's ignoring her or not.

Can you smack some sense into Luke PLS? I will gladly do that.

If Harley was older, would you date her? Probably not, because she would still be my little sister.

Do you think Ariella knows she is putting a wedge between Luke and Harley? Of course she does. I think she knows exactly what she's doing.

Are you always going to lurk around or are you important? I like lurking, staying out of the drama.

Can you please have some significance in this book? I don't know, you gotta talk to Bella bout that.

Are you okay with it if I beat Luke to a pulp with a banana? Only if I can help!

What do you think of Kenzie? Har's friend? I don't know her that well, but the few times we've met she's seemed really nice.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you hate Ariella? 10 million.

Do you like Ariella? Does anybody like Ariella? Except for Luke, he doesn't count.

Do you love or hate Ariella? Hates a very strong word, so that's why I'm using it. I hate her.

Why you always lyin? Oh honey, I don't lie about anything.

Why are you still here? Um, because I can be?

Why aren't you dead rn? I can't die ;)

Hey honey! Do me a favor and stop being a bitch! Are you okay with that? HAHA, I'm not a bitch. That child is just too sensitive and over reacts to everything. She need to toughen up, just saying.

Why are you so distant with Harley now? I don't know, we've just grown apart which makes me really sad. Sometimes I try to talk to her and she just seems really upset and looks sad. I don't know why.

Har Har needs you RN!! Really?! I'll have to talk to her!

How did you and Harley meet? We met in dance class when we were kids. It kind of just happened, we met one day and the next we were best friends.

Why do you write such good books? Omg, stop your making me blush! Honestly, I don't think they're that good, but I'm glad you all like them!

Why does Ariella even exist? (BTW I love ya) Every story needs to have bitchy character, and she's just it. And omfg I love you too!!

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