Chapter 15: 'I can't be gone yet'

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I could move, without pain. It's different I thought my whole body would be aching after what had happened. I can see, it's a depressing room. Filled with flowers, balloons, and get well soon cards. I could hear. The muffled cries coming from beside me. Almost like someone was trying to stop themselves from crying so they had to put their hands over their mouth and squeeze their eyes shut to stop the tears from coming.

"M-mom?" I whimpered, totally not expecting to be able to talk. No reply. I was scared to move my head, but seeing as my legs and arms didn't hurt I guess it was okay. Slowly, I turned my head to the side. The muffled cry was from Luke. He looked broken, like the world was crashing down around him. It was all my fault he felt like this.

I gently moved my hand out to place it on his shoulder. No reaction. Maybe he was in shock? "Luke? I'm awake, it's okay." My eyebrows furrowed together when he didn't respond. Surely, I was dead. There was no other explanation for what was happening. Now, I was crying just as much as Luke was. I didn't want to die, not really. Sure it would be easier then having to fight for my life but I'd rather be able to live my life, fall in love, and get married. I'm only nine I can't be gone yet.

I was about to walk out of the depressing hospital room, when I heard a voice right before I opened the door.

"Harley, if you're still in there, if you're still okay I need you to listen to me. I can't lose you. Life without you would be dull and colorless and I don't want that. I know it sounds selfish, asking you to live for me, but you have such a long and amazing life ahead of you, you don't deserve to lose that."

Luke's POV

I felt shivers run down my spine when I finished talking to her. It's like she was here but I couldn't see her. All I want is for her to be okay. She still has a bright future ahead of her. I should've been there for her, I should've been there to save her.

But I wasn't. And now there's nothing I can do to help. I hate myself for that.

"Luke, sweetheart are you okay?" My mom asked as she entered the dull white room. They could have at least done something less depressing. Actually, never mind. If I was dying I'm not sure I would want to wake up to rainbows and unicorns on the ceiling.

"Yeah, mum I'm okay." I gave her the worst fake smile in the universe, I'm not even sure how she believed it was genuine.

One month later

It's been a month since I last saw her bright smile and beautiful blue eyes. She's been in a coma for one month, three days, and six hours. Harley's already missed so much. The guy who did this to her was arrested for driving under the influence. I broke up with Ariella. I knew how much she hated Harley and I couldn't be with someone who hates my little sister.

I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard what could possibly be the best news ever. She woke up.

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