Chapter 14: 'Baby Mine'

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Luke's POV:

Knowing my little sister is in a hospital in Australia possibly dying while I was 8,000 miles away was killing me. There wasn't a plane ticket to soon enough, so I ended up having to go with one that left at 3 am on Thursday. And it's Wednesday. Doesn't sound like a long time to wait but it feels like it's been years.

Ariella had tried to force me to go out but all I wanted to is stay in and get updates on Harley every second. The other boys have been in to see her. That just makes me seem like a shitty brother.

"Luke, you can't sit inside worrying all day. Come do something with me." Ariella complained like she's been doing all day, every day. I just glared at her in response knowing if I tried to respond it would probably start a fight.

I think I jump ten feet in the air when my phone finally beeped with an update from my mom. All I can say was that it was not what I wanted to hear. I sighed and ran my hands through my already messy hair. "I need to get to Australia, right now."

"What's wrong now?" She asked rolling her eyes.

"You could at least act like you cared. I mean, this is my little sister we're talking about." I stood up to grab my suitcase and walk out of the hotel. I was getting on a plane back home today and I don't care if I had to fly it myself.

Kenzie's POV:

I feel bad. Almost like this is all my fault even though Liz had told me a thousand times that it wasn't. Seeing your best friend being hit by a car isn't something you can just forget ever happened.

I wanted Harley to wake up so we could go back to hanging out, being crazy, and dancing together. It's only been a day but it's felt like weeks. I wonder what it's like for Harley. She is in a coma, though. She probably doesn't know what had happened. All I knew was that she had a giant cast on her tiny leg, a few broken ribs, a huge black eye, a split lip, and a punctured lung. She probably had some type of back injury to, but the list of injuries she had was too long for me to remember.

Falling asleep had been quite difficult too. Every time I closed my eyes I saw that car speeding around the corner and crashing right into her. It hurt my eyes to see it happen, seeing her get hurt like that.

I fiddled with my thumbs in my lap sitting in the chair next to Harley's hospital bed. "Sweetie are you alright?" Liz asked me when she came back into the room after going to the cafeteria to get herself some coffee. I smiled and nodded knowing if I opened my mouth to I would cry.

Harley's POV:

I fell pain. That's all. Everything hurt. But everything was also black. Wait, was I dead? I couldn't remember the exact events that had happened, but I knew what I needed to know. My whole body felt heavy, kind of like cement. I tried sitting up, screaming, opening my eyes, everything. It didn't make sense. Usually in movies the person could hear people talking but I couldn't hear anything. Everything was silent except for my thoughts. I wanted to see Luke. I wanted to hug my Mom and have my brothers take me out for ice cream after dance.

I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to again. I think I'm losing the fight. My body felt weak, I'm not strong enough to stay alive and it would all be easier to just stop. The only problem is I didn't know how to. I tried to keep going, I honestly did. But I think it's my time to give up.

There's a noise now but I can't quite make out what it is. Is a heart beat? Is it mine? It started to slow down and I felt everything get lighter. Almost like I was floating. It stayed like this for a few moments, the darkness getting lighting with every second. The all of the sudden, it was black again. I can hear the heart beat and it sounds normal. For now, I think I'll be okay.

Luke's POV:

I had finally gotten to the hospital Harley was at and I couldn't be more relived. Well, I was actually still quite worried with the news that her heart had totally stopped and she almost died. When I walked into that room my heart dropped to my feet. Seeing her tiny body lying there with wires running in and out of her body broke me. I just wanted to make everything better but I couldn't.

Harley's POV:

"Oh Harley, how I wish I could make it all better." I heard an all too familiar voice whisper. He sounded broken, sad, and worried. I don't want him to be sad. Or worried about me when I knew I could be okay. If I fought. Which I know I can do now that he's here. I couldn't feel anything anymore, which is good considering the pain was unbearable when I could.

"Baby mine, don't you cry,

Baby mine, dry your eyes,

Rest your head close to my heart,

Never to part,

Baby of mine,

Little one when you play,

Pay no heed to what they say,

Let your eyes sparkle and shine,

Never a tear,

Baby of mine,

If they knew all about you,

They'd end up loving you too,

All those same people who scold you,

What they'd give just for the right to hold you,

From your head down to your toes,

You're not much, goodness knows,

But you're so precious to me,

Sweet as can be,

Baby of mine."

Luke was singing to me. It was the first song I have ever learned to sing, and from my favorite movie as a child. My mom sings it to my everyday before I fall asleep. Even now at nine years old I can't sleep without it.

I felt like I had all the power in the world. Like I could do anything. And then it happened. I opened my eyes. I knew I would be okay.

(A/N: Wow, this took soooo long for me to update! I'm so sorry about that but I hope you guys like it! And the Baby Mine part was based off of what I do with my nephew, btw. Every night we sing Baby Mine together and it is literally my favorite thing ever so I thought why not? Anyway, I'm gonna go now!! Love you all ! )

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