Chapter 13: 'Can I drop out too?'

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The next day arrived to fast and it was time to wake up for school. Having Kenzie there made it slightly easier and more exciting. I ran down the stairs with Kenzie trailing behind me. I expected to see my whole family sitting at the table but of course, Luke wasn't there. He's been there for all of my first days, why not this one too?

"Are you excited about your first day of fourth grade? I'm glad I'm all done with all of that!" Jack said and I rolled my eyes at him. Going over to the kitchen, I grabbed two bowls. One for me and one for Kenzie.  We decided to just have cereal mostly because it was easy to make and it was to early in the morning to do anything difficult. We ran back up stairs to get ready. I put on my white tank top and pink floral shorts. I brushed my long blonde hair and put it braided it into a side ponytail. I then did the same to Kenzie's hair because she really liked the way it looked. We grabbed our backpacks and ran back down stairs.

I was hoping Luke would be there but he still wasn't. "Mommy, where did Luke go? He's always here on my first day." I frowned slightly. "He went to LA with Ariella for a few days babe. He'll be back soon though." Um, what? So they left this morning? They were still here last night so they had to have left early. I was really confused as to why Luke never told me he was leaving. It's not that hard.

We finally got to school after the long bus ride of listening to the girl sitting across from talking my ear off about 5sos. This was going to be a long day. Thankfully I was going to have Kenzie by my side the whole day. I honestly don't know what I would do without her.

~Lunch Time~

I sat down at a random table and waited for Kenzie to come. I was right, it has been a really long day of people asking me about Luke. It was kind of terrible, I hated how everything was about him. I was sitting there minding my own business, when some of the girls a grade above me came and sat down at the table.

"Hi Harley! How are you?" One of them with long black hair asked. I knew I've seen her before but I  couldn't remember her name for the life of me. "I'm uh, I'm fine." I gave her a slight smile.

"Oh, I'm Mia by the way." She smiled and started to eat her lunch. Right that was her name! "I'm Eleanor." The blonde sitting next to Mia chimed in. There was one more girl with them, she seemed more shy and like me. "I'm Zoe." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. I smiled at them all hoping Kenzie would just get here already so it wouldn't be so awkward.

"So how was traveling around the US?" Mia asked. Finally, a question that wasn't about Luke! I smiled at her before replying, "It was great! I had so much fun!"

"That's great! We're hanging out after school today, would you and Kenzie like to come?" Eleanor asked. As much as I wanted to say yes, I couldn't. I had dance and I can't skip.

"I can't. I have dance tonight." I frowned at them. "Aw, too bad! Maybe another day then?" Mia said. I nodded and finished eating my lunch. Kenzie had come a few minutes after, and sat down to start eating her lunch too. I told her that the girls had asked us to hang out with them, and she was incredibly excited. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but they were the most popular girls in school.

We walked back to class together and sat down getting ready for math. My least favorite subject was math so this was going to be interesting. I suffered through all of the class, thankfully I had made it out alive. I rushed to the bus since I had been running a few minutes late. My mom always offered to drive me or pick me up from school but I always insist on taking the bus. Me and Kenzie live fairly close to each other so we ride the bus to and back from school together. Today we decided to go back to my house so we could go on a bike ride before dance.

"How was your first day of school?" My mom asked as we ran in the front door. I walked over to give her a hug before answering her question. "Can I drop out like Luke did?" I asked slumping my shoulders and frowning at her. Mom shook her head at me, "Keep dreaming little one cause that's not happening." She laughed but still talked with a serious tone. I laughed and asked if I could go on a bike ride with Kenzie. She said yes and gave me a kiss on the forehead before I ran out the door. 

I met Kenzie in front of my house. She had gone to get her bike from her house and came back. I snapped my helmet onto my head and hopped onto my bike. "Off we go!" I yelled behind me as I was riding off down the hill. Kenzie had now caught up to me was riding beside me but on the other side of  the road. We had to turn a corner as we got to the bottom of the hill, and all the sudden I heard Kenzie scream at me.

"Harley watch out!" Then, all I was black. I couldn't move. I felt like I couldn't breath. What happened.

Kenzie's POV:

I yelled at Harley to watch out but I was to late. There was a car speeding up the hill and they hit her. I screamed, and dropped my bike on the ground. At first I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I did the only thing I could think of doing. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. It wasn't that fast either since I think I was kind of in shock or whatever, but my legs felt like jelly. Finally arriving at Harley's front door, I pushed open the door and yelled out for her mom. She seemed confused as to why I was alone, yelling, and with tears streaming down my face.

"Har-harley got hit b-by a car!" I stuttered. Liz's face paled and she grabbed her phone and followed me down to where Harley was. I'm guessing she dialed 911 because I heard the ambulance coming. Harley seemed to have been passed out. I was scared to death right now. Har's been my best friend since preschool and I just witnessed her being hit by a car. The person didn't even stop, they just hit her and kept driving.

Liz seemed even more scared then I was. She was holding Harley in her lap, but the paramedics came and had to pry Harley out of her arms. I couldn't go in the ambulance with them since they needed my parents approval and that was hard to get right now, so I ran back to my house to tell my mom what had happened.

Luke's POV:

Ariella convinced me to go off to LA with her for a few weeks. I honestly didn't want to because the tour just ended and I wanted to stay home with my family for a while. Instead I barely even had two days in Australia because Ari was 'homesick'. Funny how that started after she claimed Harley was trying to break us up. I didn't believe that in the slightest because Harley would never do that.

I was out at lunch with Ariella when my phone started ringing. I saw it was my mom so I answered right away.

"Hey mom, what's up?" I asked. I noticed Ariella giving me a confused and slightly annoyed look.

The next thing I heard made my heart drop to the floor.

"Harley's hurt." That was all she said before I knew I needed to get on the earliest flight back to Australia.

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