Chapter 5: 'Tour bus rules'

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The boys had left the dressing room to get food from god knows where, but hey, it's food. They left me with Myla and Taylor which I was only mad about because they both looked pissed.

"You've got to be kidding me... Their bringing you on tour? You should bring me with you." Myla said in rude tone making me wish I never brought her backstage. "Yeah, Myla deserves this much more then you do." Taylor chimed in. I looked over at them. I was extremely confused. "What do mean 'deserves it?' It's not like I asked God be born into the Hemmings family." They both laughed.

"You don't understand. Born into? I bet you were adopted. I mean, you look nothing like Luke. He probably wishes he could have someone better as a sister. Like me. Amazing dancer, amazing singer, and amazing actress. I'm a triple threat. And your, just like nothing." Myla shrugged. Out of all the things Myla has said to me, that one hurt the most. Maybe she's right. He wants a better sister then you and that's why they went to LA. To get way from you. I almost didn't notice that a tear had fallen from my eye.

"Aw, is the little baby going to go cry to her mummy?" Myla mocked me. Right after she said that the boys came back in and she was back to being the fake sweetheart she always acted like. I used the back of my hand to wipe the tear from my cheek before anyone could notice. I sat down next to Luke and Michael who were fighting over what movie to watch. "Just put on How I Met Your Mother and be done with it." I laughed at their pointless fight.

"Well, that works for me." Luke shrugged. "I guess we can just watch that." Michael agreed. Everyone started to dig into their food. I felt uncomfortable with Myla and Taylor still being here, so I didn't eat anything. "You okay, Bug?" Luke whispered in my ear. I nodded but continued to watch the show. I thought Luke had let it go, but apparently not. "Are you sure? You seem kind of down." Myla was eyeing me from across the room. I think she heard what we where talking about. "I'm fine, just tired." I wasn't lying, I was really tired. It was around 11 and I had a long day.

The next thing I remember was Luke telling me  to go to sleep and making me lay down.


I woke up in a totally different place then where I feel asleep. It scared me at first because I didn't know where I was. Opening up the curtain that separated me from seeing where I was, I looked around and realized I was on the tour bus. No one was awake, so I walked to the back room where Harry and Lauren were sleeping. I didn't even remember them being here yesterday. Maybe they came in later. I sat down next to Lauren and gently shook her shoulder. "Laur? Can you wake up?" She started to stir so I pulled my hand away from her shoulder.

"Hey, Har. What's up?" She asked me, obviously I had a question or wanted something because I wouldn't have woken her up if I didn't. " I don't know how to work anything on this bus because it's all fancy, and I feel bad waking Luke up." I whispered because Harry was still asleep in the room.

"Alright, let's go to the front of the bus and we can watch TV till one of the boys wake up." She sat up and I followed her to the couch out front. We put on Netflix and watched Girl Meets World for a little bit. Finally, one of the boys woke up.

"Good Morning, girls." Ashton said as he sat down next to us. "Morning." Lauren muttered too focused on watching the show to talk.

"Ash, I'm hungry. Is there any food on this bus?" I asked him.

"Well of course you are, you didn't eat last night. There probably isn't, but I'll see what I can do." He smiled at me and got up to look through the cabinets to find something to eat. He finally found cereal but there was no more milk left so we ate it without milk. The next boy to wake up was Luke. Then Calum a few minutes after Luke. Harry and Michael where the only ones still asleep. Luke, Calum, and Ashton decided it would be helpful if they gave me a small tour of the tour bus and told me their 'Tour Bus Rules'.

Rule #1: Always lock the bathroom door

Rule #2: Don't push any buttons you know you aren't supposed to push (Luke added that one because he knew I liked pushing buttons literally and figurally.)

Rule #3: Never wake Michael up before 11 unless absolutely necessary

Rule #4: Always have fun!!

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