Chapter 27: 'China Doll'

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(This chapter gets quite depressing, just a fair warning for you all
Ps: look for the hidden message (; )

It's been a few days since the situation with the fan, and I could tell that Luke was still bothered by it all. I tried multiple times to reassure him that was fine, and that it was all okay. The others boys were being just as overprotective as Luke was, asking me if I was okay and keeping a very close eye on me when we were out in public. To most people it would seem sweet, but to me it was just annoying.

I'm not a broken China doll that they can try and fix, cause I'm pretty sure this is something that they can't fix. No one can help me.

It was by the 900th time today that the guys had asked me if I was alright, that I exploded.

"Oh my god, maybe if you guys would stop asking me 18 million times a day if I'm okay, then I would be! Stop treating me like I can't handle one person that has decided to hate me for some reason that is unknown! Because I'm fine. And now I'm gonna leave, and none of you are going to follow me or send someone to follow me because I need some alone time." I took a deep breath after my rant, tears stinging my eyes.

The boys all stared at me with wide eyes, and I knew I couldn't stand there anymore. So I did the only thing I knew how to do. I ran. I ran as fast as I could to get out of that room, and through the venue that I had no clue how to navigate my way around. I had learned my lesson with going outside last time, so I didn't do that.

I finally found a dark corner to sit in, where I figured many people wouldn't come through. I didn't actually end up crying, because I'm all cried out. I've cried myself to sleep every night since it happened, hiding my face in my pillow so Luke couldn't hear my sobs.

I took out my iPod since I still didn't have a phone, and went onto Twitter. Luke or my mom usually ran my Twitter and Instagram, but they always forget to log out of it. I started scrolling through my mentions, seeing nothing but hate. I don't understand. How could someone who's never met me hate me? What did I, as an eleven year old girl ever do to make people hate me?

@twitteruser: Harley Hemmings? More like attention seeking whore

@twitteruser: honestly Harley should just kill herself ... The world doesn't need another stupid blonde bitch

A wave of frustration washed over me, and I threw the iPod across the floor, the screen going black and shattering. Unfortunately, my plan of not being found didn't work out as the iPod slid and hit someone's foot. I immediately knew who it was, since Luke always wore those stupid suede boots.

He leaned down and picked up my iPod, taking one look at it, and then the tears on my face that I didn't know were there. Luke sighed, stuffing it into his back pocket before continuing to walk towards the stage. The rest of the boys pasted by me, not noticing I was there since I had hid myself behind a big box that was most likely filled with wires.

Woooooow it's been soooo long since I've last updated!!! I've been super busy with dancing and writers block, so I haven't been able to write. Then I got and idea and wrote this really depressing chapter!! But don't worry bros, it'll get better for little Har, I promise!!

Bella ❤️)

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