No Longer

140 8 0

((Pairing: None
Song: None
Genre: angst/friendship
Side-notes: Thank you wildwolf for literally being the only one of the two of us to actually write. This isn't one of the parts to the intro thing from last chapter, just a separate one shot.
And to anyone who is unaware melatonin is an over the counter sleeping pill that usually relaxes your body to help you fall asleep if you're too tense. This story is based off of a 3 mg Melatonin and 25 mg Theanine tablet.))

Preston's POV

I touched my face, fingers tracing my eyes and the curve of my nose. Nothing felt real, not the cold biting air surrounding me or the warm and soft blankets. Everything felt like there was a blanket over it. Faintly I recognize my mistake, but it's more of a passing thought. I'm supposed to be in a skype call with the rest of the pack I realize looking over at my clock. Huffing I giggle at the feeling of my lungs deflating. Fumbling I pick up my phone and connect to skype, my eyes not really paying attention to what my body is doing. Relying on muscle memory I join into the call and put my headphones in. Instantly I'm bombarded with concern and I'm faintly aware that they are all trying to talk over each other. Giggling again I wave my hand in the air marveling at the feeling of my blood rushing from my fingertips. Concentrating again I realize the call was silent, they were probably waiting for me to respond to their questioning. Yawning I shuffle to get comfortable, frowning as I hear the faint rattling. I must not have put them away.

"Hey," I extend the greeting fingers brushing against my lips feeling the warmth escape from my body. Giggling softly I try to shove the warmth back into my mouth. Somewhere my brain is yelling telling me to focus and answer my friends but instead I'm distracted again by my breath. I can tell Vik and Rob are muttering slightly probably annoyed at me. I hear Lachlan talk over them.

"Dude, you ok? What's up with you?" He sounds annoyed but I can hear the concern even if I can't see the video that we usually have up. Slowly I open my mouth before shutting it to feel my teeth click. Giggling I clench and unclench my fist feeling the fabric of my sheets shift beneath my fingers.
" 'M fi-ne. Just wanted," spacing off I breathe out my nose feeling floaty and not all there. "To sleep," I add after a minute or so of silence. My sentence I punctuated with another bout of giggles. My stomach rumbles and I pat it frowning down at it, mumbling I shift so my screen is facing me. Everything is hazy so I content myself with looking at the shifting outlines of my friends.
"Could you put on the video Preston? It'd be nice to see your face," Laughing hard I stand up swaying as the world balances out I automatically walk over to my recording studio. My vision blurs and the world sways around me comfortingly. Humming I smile at the warmth suddenly spreading through my veins. Setting up skype I hang up the call on my phone abruptly and slide on my headphones. Entering the call on my computer I turn on my camera. My eyes continue to slide over my friends faces never fully able to focus on one point. I frown again as the warmth leaves my veins and my heart starts to feel heavy. Shrugging slowly I giggle again letting my limbs lift up and down.

"Preston? Are you high?" Frowning at the blurry faces on my screen I shake my head.

"Shouldn't. Only ten. Besides," I slur my way through the words, turning my head to frown at the black abyss in the darkness of my room. The lights of my screen only go so far. Beyond that is endless and I swear I can hear waves crash against a tall cliff.

"Preston, ten what?" His voice is crisp in the soft blanket and pierces the fluff over my ears. I stare at him, his brown hair seems more like a blob on his head.

"Melatonin," I recite the name softly before muttering.

"God damn it. Preston, listen to me ok? When you go to sleep lay down on your side. You got that?" Frowning I poke my arm.

"Why side?" I ask turning my eyes to his face again, it looks sad. Am I sad? Maybe? It kinda feels fuzzy so it's hard to tell.

"Because you might throw up and I don't want you to choke," I frown in response.

"Rob what's going on?" Vik sounds scared, I coo slightly he's so small and innocent. He doesn't deserve to have a friend like me to make him scared.

"I'm not fully sure, from what I've gathered Preston took ten Melatonin pills maybe to try and fall asleep? I'm not sure, but I don't think he realized that you can get high off of them," there's something wrong with Rob's story. Thinking hard I realize what it is.

"Not sleep, not sleep, didn't want to sleep, wanted to not wake up," I giggle after each time I say sleep. I think I hear someone gasp but I can't really tell over my yawning. " 'Is fine, never works," I try to comfort even as I feel myself nod off. "Imma sleep," I nod to myself mumbling some sort of goodbye before resting my head down on my desk. Everything fades even more and the faint grip I have on my brain is released for the time being. Sleep comes easy and wraps me in it's comforting embrace, taking me away from my worried friends and far away from all my troubles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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