The Truth About Me

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Haha, clickbait work? Not a serious one-shot I wrote or an author's note about bad things, just a tag! 

Never done one of these before! Welp, I got tagged by @KateNehamee.

So apparently there are some rules, which I'm going to basically just copy/paste:

-You have to post the rules
-You have to tag thirteen people
-You have to say thirteen things about yourself
-You have to ask thirteen questions for the people you tagged to answer, and answer the ones you're given
-You can't say "you don't do tags"
-Tag backs are allowed
-You have a week to do it if you're tagged, otherwise the person who tagged you gets to tell you something to do and you have to do it (which I'll probably forget about, to be completely honest, but oh well)
-Try to be creative with the title
-You have to post it in a book, not the message board or comments

Here are the things about me (: ←-- see? it's like a smiley face but it's also a colon for the list. I'll stop

1) I don't think I've ever slept over nine hours. After a certain point, my body just "nope"s and I wake up.
2) I love listening to music, but what I listen to is a bit everywhere. My taste in music includes the Beatles, All Time Low, Pierce the Veil, Of Mice & Men, and Monstercat.
3) I love playing music as well. I play guitar, piano, violin, ukulele, harmonica (most useful instrument to learn, I know), and I sing a bit.
4) The classes I'm currently taking are 2-3 grade levels above my own.
5) I've had a strange obsession with mermaids ever since I was a little kid.
7) I could probably eat nearly any type of cereal for all meals of the day.
8) I've always loved making people laugh. Random thing, I know, but it's nice to know I'm funny, okay?! But seriously, it's one of those things that just kinda makes me feel like I've done something. I don't know, it doesn't make sense.
9) I don't plan on ever directly telling my age or name on here. Sorry :/
10) Sometimes, when I'm in the middle of talking, I suddenly go Australian. Australian accents are way cooler than American ones, to be fair.
11) I love beanies and snapbacks soooooo much. I've probably spent over $200 on hats.
12) I've been to three concerts and Warped Tour so far.
13) I most likely spend more time on YouTube and Wattpad then on school stuff.

Questions from @KateNehamee:

1) Chicken or turkey?
Turkey, I guess?
2) Wings or fins?
Fins, because mermaids, duh.
3) Would you rather be Godzilla for a week or be a zombie for a week?
Zombie. You wouldn't be annoyingly huge and imagine people's reactions.
4) Favorite film?
I don't really watch movies. None, is my answer?
5) Cookies or chocolate?
6) Miniminter or KSI?
Simon Minter :D
7) Netflix and chill or YouTube?
Youtube and chill ;)
8) Your most used app?
In the past week, YouTube.
9) Favorite superhero?
Hard to decide. I'm just gonna say Ant-Man, not because I actually like him, but because he was played by Paul Rudd in the new movie. Love that guy.
10) Sims or Minecraft?
Minecraft, for sure.
11) Apple or orange?
12) Snakes or Bearded dragon?
Snakes are cool.
13) Do you like smut?
Dude, that's my favorite fungal disease.

TAGGING THESE UNLUCKY PEOPLE (these are all completely random):


Questions for the previously names unlucky people:

-Angst or fluff?
-Left or right?
-What's your current favorite fanfiction?
-Favorite TV show?
-Least favorite food?
-[RED] or [BLUE]?
-Do you eat mac and cheese with a spoon or a fork?
-Do you pour the milk or the cereal first?
-Pack or SDMN?
-Vikklan or Poofless?
-Ketchup or mustard?
-Pen or pencil?

Also, while I'm here, I promise that I'm trying to get out updates for my stories. I haven't put any books on hiatus or stopped writing them or anything - the next chapters will be done soon enough. Sorry, guys :/ (Also that took a long time to do, geez)

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