Firsts (Vikklan)

256 13 16

((Pairing: Vikklan
Song: None
Genre: fluff
Side-notes: What, I'm actually updating?! Anyway, I have a few more one shots that will come out later today because it's Valentine's Day! What better day to be all sappy and romantic than today?))

Vik and Lachlan had been dating for three years, and this year they would be celebrating their second Valentine's day together. The year before, Lachlan had flown over to Britain to visit Vik and intended to do again, but Vik insisted on going to Australia. This visit would be Vik's first time in the western part of Australia and also the first time he'd be meeting Lachlan's full family.

The whole plane ride there, Vik let his nerves get the best of him. Of course, he knew deep down that he was overthinking and worrying about nothing, yet he still let his doubts consume his thoughts. Besides the images of strange animals attempting to kill him, he thought his boyfriend's family would hate him, as do many other people when they meet people important to their significant other. He remembered that he had very briefly met Lachlan's mom over Skype and met Lachlan's brother, Mitch, at MineCon; however, those were simply introductions - nothing like staying in their house for a whole week and a half.

Lachlan noticed Vik's unease the moment he saw Vik approaching him. He figured that there was a lot that could be bothering Vik, but, whether it was being in Australia for the first time or he was annoyed yet again about something Lachlan didn't know he did, it still made Lachlan worried about Vik. Lachlan knew that Vik could easily overthink things, and he knew from experience that overthinking could very quickly turn terrible. Before Lachlan could think of something to say, he was engulfed in a hug and all he could smell was the familiar scent of Vik's shampoo. Needless to say, all thoughts left Lachlan's mind as he wrapped his arms around Vik as though he was going to leave any moment.

"Welcome to Brisbane, Vik," Lachlan whispered into Vik's hair.

"It's already too warm here," Vik mumbled, resting his head against Lachlan's chest.

"Then let's head to the house." Lachlan wordlessly picked Vik up, threw him over his shoulder, grabbed Vik's suitcase, and started heading out of the airport.

"Oi! What're you doing?!" Vik squirmed around and acted like he was annoyed, but he was grinning like a madman.

"I used the ultimate pick up line," Lachlan replied, innocently.

"What the hell? That doesn't even make sense," Vik gasped in between laughs.

"I said 'Let's head to the house,' and that was the line that lead up to me picking you up. Get it?" Lachlan continued walking out the doors of the airport, somehow without getting weird looks or yelled at by security.

"You're so lame. I'm dating such a lame nerd." The two of them gave each other a what-is-even-happening kind of look and burst into laughter.

When they both calmed down, Lachlan continued to walk to the car while neither of them talked. As Lachlan thought about how much he had missed Vik, Vik was again thinking about how scared he was to meet Lachlan's family. It was only once Vik was put back down onto the ground to get into the car that Vik spoke up.

"Lachlan... What if your family dislikes me?" Vik asked, a worried look on his face as he glanced at Lachlan.

"That's what you were worried about? I could tell you were stressed out a little while ago." Lachlan suddenly remembered being concerned about Vik when he first saw him at the airport, and everything clicked into place to make sense.

"Yeah. I know it's stupid, but I'm still scared. They're very important to you - they're your family, after all. Plus, it'd end up being a very awkward week and a half if I were to stay with people who hated me." Vik could tell that Lachlan was trying to find the right words before he spoke as he started the car. That was something Vik always noticed; Lachlan had become very careful with what he said, and Vik didn't know why.

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