Surprise (Poofless)

149 8 4

((Pairing: Poofless
Song: none
Genre: fluff
Side-notes: This one is way shorter because I kinda exhausted my writing abilities for today. This is also a shitty because I'm trying to get my ideas out in a rush. Sorry. xD))

Rob understood the reasons that he wasn't able to see Preston in real life on Valentine's Day, but it didn't make it any better. He wasn't really angry at Preston or himself, he was simply disappointed that they couldn't be together. As great as Skype calls were, Rob craved Preston's touch, especially the feeling of Preston's lips on his own.

From the moment he woke up to every moment afterward, his mind was stuck on Preston. He found it really sucky that Preston had to be busy this week, but it wasn't like he was going to whine too much about it. It was out of his control that Preston had all this family stuff planned way ahead of time.

Despite how much he wanted Preston to be in Toronto, he wanted to just hear his voice even more. Preston wasn't answering phone calls, Skype calls, and texts. It wasn't unlikely that Preston was spending time with his family, but Rob couldn't help but think of worst case scenarios. Was he being too clingy? Was Preston mad at him for something?

By the mid-afternoon, Rob just wanted to lay in bed and sleep, even though he wasn't tired. He didn't want to deal with anyone or anything, and he especially didn't want to have to get out of bed once he got in. Rob spent a good ten minutes wrapping himself in the perfect blanket cocoon, so when he heard a knock on the door, he was ready to scream. With a scowl in his face, he trudged over to door, his blankets still wrapped snugly around him.

"Hi, Robby," a familiar voice greeted. Rob's expression went blank for a moment before tears started streaming down his cheeks.

"Preston?" Rob reached out to touch Preston's cheek, as if he wasn't sure Preston was actually there.

"I'm sorry that I lied to you about the family thing. I wanted to surprise you." Preston had an ashamed look on his face, but Rob could care less about whether Preston lied or not. All he could focus on was the fact that Preston was there.

"Oh, Preston," Rob breathed. He clumsily unwrapped himself from his blanket and wrapped his arms around Preston's torso. There was a moment of confusion before Preston shrugged and hugged Rob back.

"I missed you," Preston mumbled into Rob's shoulder. Rob nodded and buried his face in Preston's shirt. He took a deep breath and all he could smell was Preston's laundry detergent.

"I don't care about anything now that you're here. Can we just cuddle in my room?" Rob's voice was muffled by the cloth of Preston's shirt. The tickling sensation of Rob's breath against Preston's chest brought a smile to the Texan's face.

"Of course, Robby." Preston swiftly brought his bags into the house, shut the door, and picked up Rob.

"What are you doing, Pressy?" Rob was confused, but he wasn't going to complain.

"I'm carrying you into your room," he replied, innocently.

"Why?" Rob's tone was similar to that of a curious child. He didn't really care, but he wanted to know.

"Because I can. And because I love you," Preston answered, simply.

"Why do you love me?" Rob continued.

"Because I can."

"That's a great answer." Sarcasm was laced into Rob's voice, earning a small chuckle from Rob.

"You can't not love Rob, even if he doesn't have a job."

"And you can't not love Preston, even if he's a cactus."

"I love you, Rob," Preston told Rob as he laid Rob down on the bed, followed by Preston laying down next to him.

"I love you, too, Preston," Rob responded, as he relaxed into the comfort of Preston's arms around him.

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