Bad Day (Vikklan)

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((Pairing: Vikklan
Song: none 
Genre: angst and fluff 
Side-notes: I've tried fluff again :D actually quite proud of myself))

Today had been complete shit so far. Despite the fact that I was staying with the Sidemen for a while to spend some overdue time with Vik, I was going absolutely insane.

To start off the day, I was abruptly woken up by Simon after half an hour of sleep. The whole night and part of the morning was spent editing videos and trying to recover corrupted footage. By the time I was woken up, I couldn't be bothered with sleeping anymore. Then at breakfast, I managed to cut a large gash on my hand while trying to help cook. I easily cleaned up and bandaged the cut, but it hurt like hell, so I gave up on eating and decided to try and record. The guys had been kind enough to make a recording set up with the old things they didn't use anymore, which was actually better than my set up at home. However, I of course managed to delete two recordings and another one somehow got corrupt. To top it all off, while editing the one recording that wasn't ruined, the software crashed and corrupted the audio in the video, leaving me with nothing to post. By then, it was about five PM, and I was ready to give up.

With my hair a mess from running my hand through the it out of frustration and stress, I walked out of the basement and headed towards Vik's room. I was pretty sure that the only thing think that could cheer me up was my boyfriend. He had a sort of schedule, and he wouldn't be recording at five. He live streamed H3M around eight or nine, so that left about three hours that I could spend with him. I silently knocked on his door, waited for a quiet "come in," and went in.

"Hey, Vikky," I greeted, my tone dejected and tired.

"Hey, Lachlan. Did you need something?" he replied, completely distracted.

"I was wondering if we could just... I don't know. Are you busy right now?" I asked, taking a seat on his bed.

"A bit. I'm trying to get things sorted on the H3M server and organize my faction's base at the same time. Why?"

"I wanted to know if you... could just cuddle right now?" I was embarrassed at how childish I sounded.

"I can't right now, Lachlan. I have a lot to do before I have to start setting up the live stream," he told me.

"Can I just stay here, then? While you work?"

"I need to focus, sorry," Vik quickly answered.

"Okay then... I'll be downstairs if you need me," I mumbled, a frown settling into my lips.

"See you later, Lachlan."

A quiet sigh escaped my lips as I made my way back to the basement. I was really looking forward to just being around Vik. It wasn't like I didn't understand that he needed to work, but the needy and selfish part of me was still stuck on how Vik could have made my day better. Damn, the needy and selfish part of me was annoying as hell.

It was stupid, but I let my day become even worse. My thoughts were spinning in an unorganized mess, but somehow it kept circling around to Vik. Did I annoy him too often? I knew he overworked himself more often than not, but that's what kept him sane. Of course, he could do with more sleep, but he loved doing what he did. It just seemed like I tried to interrupt that, and that made me annoyed with myself.

I let my head rest on the desk, although I didn't feel tired. I probably should have been tired, since I was running on thirty minutes of sleep, and for once I was complaining about not being tired. If I was tired, then maybe I could sleep away today's frustration. Yet here I was, wide awake for some odd reason and on the verge of losing my mind. Suddenly, I let out a loud sigh and banged my head against the desk.

Footsteps came rushing down the stairs, followed by Simon's voice asking, "Is everything okay, Lachlan? It sounded like something fell."

"Yeah, I'm fine. That was just me, hitting my head against the desk." My voice was monotone and quiet.

"Are you okay?" Simon walked towards me and put his hand in my shoulder.

"Yeah," I repeated in the same tone. "Just a shitty day."

"Why aren't you with Vik, then? I know that you're always happier around him," Simon pointed out.

"He's busy right now. I already talked to him."

"That's not right. He's your boyfriend and he should be here, cheering you up." I looked at Simon to see him with a disappointed look on his face, accompanied by a frown.

"It's fine, really. He has work to do," I signed, barely attempting to calm Simon down.

"What's he doing that's more important than you?"

"His life, Simon. I'm not the center of his universe, nor should I be. YouTube is the most important thing to him, and he's trying to set things up for tomorrow's videos," I told him.

"I understand that you're talking about how you sometimes need to put your own needs in front of other's, but it seems like Vik spends more time working than anything. You hold a place in his life and he definitely holds a place in yours. He should at least spend time with you when you've had a bad day. I'm going to talk some sense into that idiot," Simon insisted, walking out of the room before I could protest.

About ten minutes later, Vik walked in. There was an embarrassed and guilty look on his face. I had no clue as to what Simon said to him, but if it made Vik step away from his work to talk to me, then damn did he have things to say.

"Simon told me you had a bad day... Is that why you asked if we could cuddle?" Vik began, breaking the moment of silence. "I'm sorry I so quickly denied, you know how I am."

"It's okay, Vik. It's not a big deal. You can go back to work, if you'd like," I lied.

"No, I've already left my desk, it can wait. Tell me about your day? What's made your day a bad one?" Vik took a few steps toward me, then sat on the desk, right next to the mouse.

After a moment's hesitation, I gave in and spilled. I told him about all the shitty things that happened that day. It hadn't really clicked earlier in the day, but after telling the story, I realized that I hadn't eaten anything all day. Vik didn't realize either as I told him, which was good because I could already tell he was worrying his ass off about the little amount of sleep I got.

"That whole time you were talking, you didn't make fun of yourself a single time. The day must've taken a toll on you, then," he half-joked.

"A little, just a little," I sighed. Vik gestured towards my chair.

"Can I?" he asked. I nodded, and scooted my chair out a bit. He somehow managed to get himself cross-legged in my lap, facing me with his arms around my neck.

"How are you even staying on without slipping off?" I questioned, tilting my head in confusion.

"You're tall, and you have long legs. I'm tiny, and I am also leaning on this desk. It kinda hurts my back," Vik answered. As I turned the chair around so that the back of the chair was against the desk instead of him, I could feel him wrapping his arms around me a little tighter and his body get a little closer to mine. He looked up at me with the slightest bit of fear in his eyes, and I could tell he didn't want to fall.

"Don't worry, I'll help keep you up," I whispered, wrapping my arms around his back as support. His arms got a bit tighter around my neck, causing his face to get closer to mine.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I'll make it up to you," he promised, his voice quiet. Quickly, he pulled our heads together and I was met with the soft feeling of his lips against mine.

"You just made my day, Vik."

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