Ouch? (Preston/TBNRfrags)

215 4 0

((Pairing: none
Song: none
Genre: random?
Side-notes: same as last chapter (I know, I'm lazy xD)))

Preston POV

I wake up slowly yawning and stretching. I am currently in Canada with the rest of The Pack for a convention. I glanced over at the clock in the hotel room and jumped up when I saw that it was already ten. Shit I was already late. I hurriedly got ready and rushed out the door. The convention center was a block away from the hotel so I didn't have to call a taxi. I bolted out the hotel door and ran as fast as I could towards the center. Somehow I managed to shave off two minutes from the time it took me to walk there yesterday. I glanced at the time on my phone and realized that I needed to get to the third floor as fast as I could as the panel was already started. I started towards the stairs as they would be faster than the elevator. As I was running up the stairs I tripped and fell backwards down a level. Luckily it wasn't that far of a fall so I got immediately back up and started jogging more cautiously up the stairs. Luckily I made it all the way up to the sixth floor where the panel was being held without any more accidents. I took a moment to catch my breath and casually strolled up to the stage where the rest of The Pack were hanging out obviously trying to stall the actual event till I got there. I decided to make a dramatic entrance so I snuck out behind the curtain. And looked out at the audience making the shushing motion with my hands and snuck out to behind Rob. I glanced over the crowd before smirking and jumping straight on his back. Rob screamed loudly and I started laughing hard.

"Your face," I laugh taking gasping breaths and pointing at Rob's now pouting face. He sighs and rolls his eyes picking me up and carrying me over to my seat. I grin up at him.

"Thanks honey," I tell him inwardly smirking at the "poofless" fans that were probably going mad with feels. I see a glint in his eyes and immediately the smile drops from my face. I glance around trying to find something before I find it. My eyes lock with Lachlan's begging him not to do it. He just smirks and dumps a bucket full of freezing water on my head. I overreact to the slight tingling that lets me know that the water itself is basically frozen. I stand up and grin again running over I wrap Lachlan in a giant hug he lets out a squeak and tries to push me off. I smile and we all settle into our seats and the panel starts.

I phaze out most of the panel itself my mind wandering back and forth on a bunch of different topics. I stay mostly silent before the viewer questions start up. Not that I pay much attention anyways. I don't have the widest attention span and I tend to just space out at panels. At the first conventions The Pack and the viewers were worried about me but after the fifth convention or so they just started to accept the fact that I was spacy af. I felt a nudge and I looked to the left and saw Rob and the rest of the guys looking at me concerned.

"Sorry I had a late night and didn't get that much sleep, what was the question?" I ask blushing at my inability to focus. Shit, again, I had forgot to take my ADHD medication to help me focus. I was too rushed this morning.

"I was wondering what everyone's favorite series was to film," a young feminine voice said from the masses of people. I think it over for a second. Before finally settling on one.

"I think I like filming Crazy Craft the best, but I enjoy playing factions more, thank you. Also sorry for spacing out again," I say grinning out towards where the questions come from. The rest of the questions pass quickly and I make sure to pay attention to each one. Not that my mind didn't wander a lot.

After the panel stops we all stand up and go down to the second floor where the viewers were mingling about. We hung out for a while together before splitting up into twos and chose somewhere to sit and just hang out. I choose to go with the Aussie so I could spend time with him. I shifted in my seat again. My arm had been feeling weird all day and I haven't had time to properly check it out. While sitting with Lachlan and when there was a lull in viewers coming over to get things signed and to simply talk to us. I love it when they hold normal conversations with us, it's really cool to connect with them like that. My mind wandered away before I shifted to the left and realized that my right arm still felt weird. I take my jacket off and check out my arm.

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