Long Distance (Vikklan)

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((Pairing: Vikklan (of course xD but seriously, you can recommend stuff and things)
Song: none
Genre: Angst
Side-notes: same as last chapters))

The only two things between us. Separating and forcing us to never touch. The mass of reality is more than enough. Yet adding on the truth that there's always going to be something. It's terrifying how two things can separate true love from meeting. I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to fall hopelessly in love with my best friend. But love really is a mysterious thing. It makes your heart race. I guess in a way it's the best feeling in the world. The pure and unbridled happiness of being around him was more than enough. But love also causes all the horrible situations. Fear and pain. Not the two factors separating us but two of the worst feelings in the world. Somehow love can cause them both while still causing so many good and happy feelings. The fact that at one point or time either him or I would be dead, and the other one would still be alive was one of the bad things of love. I couldn't live without him. The comfort and happiness he has caused me has made me never want to leave, and it's made me wish for an eternity with him.

Time. It's always moving forward, yet the past is always there. The memories and echoes of the past are everywhere. A footprint where someone walked just a couple days ago. The stars are the most obvious of this. They are just reflections of the past shining forward to our lives in the present. In reality present doesn't exist but in our minds. Everything is processed slower and it takes time for an image of something to reach our eyes. So we are stuck in the past while our minds race towards the future. Not that time is anything more than a human conception made from trying to explain the way the world works. The concept of movement and the passing forward of all things. Time makes things age, it breaks apart everything. Time is the most destructive force in all of nature. I can destroy relationships and it can tear people apart. It keeps me from being with him whenever I want. What with timezones it's impossible to be with him. It's night for him when it's day for me. I want to stop time and talk with him forever. Everyone is always so focused on time and it causes so much stress. If you took a step back and looked at it perspective it might not be so bad. Maybe then we'd all be much happier. Not that it matters to time. It moves everywhere and is in constant play through all of existence.

Space. Everything, all of reality packed into one word. Well that or life, it's hard to tell. Space is the difference between here and there. It's the gap between everything, and the everything itself. Not just the place above the world that is so mysterious it is also the place below the sky. Space is land, it is mass, it is what everyone is made of. It separates and breaks things apart from each other. Space keeps things from connecting and makes it so that nothing can ever truly touch. It can make things pretty damn close but never really connect. The most mysterious thing in the world as well as the best known thing. Everyone knows what space is yet no one knows what it is. What is becomes and how it is. Such a weird thing packed into all that exists. It makes everyone wonder and become like a child again learning something new. It keeps me from being in as close to contact as I can with him. He lives all the way across the world so I can't hold him or cuddle him as he falls asleep.

That's the bad of love. The space and the time. Never being quite in contact and having your heartbroken every time it's brought up. Of course that doesn't talk about the good things but no one pays attention to them so why might I bring them up? Focus on what other people focus on and you'll be just fine. Oh yeah and don't listen to a word people say. They'll only bring you down.

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