Pokemon (Vikklan)

207 16 2

((Pairing: Vikklan
Song: none (if anything the OG Pokemon theme song just because xD)
Genre: fluff :D
Side-notes: this is really one of the first flat out fluffs I have done and I'm proud of it so yay!))

Asking Lachlan to stay at the Sidemen house for a while was probably one of the best decisions I had ever made. As much as I didn't mind, everyday was like a repeat of the other and I thought it needed a change for a little.

The two of us had been dating for nearly a year at that point, but we still hadn't told anyone. That was why Lachlan couldn't share a room with me. As we were figuring out where Lachlan would sleep, Simon suggested he sleep where Harry does when he's over (which is just a mattress on the floor in the room with the ping pong table) and we couldn't really argue without giving ourselves away. We didn't have a guest bedroom and we couldn't even argue that it was crappy place for the guest because it was actually a really freaking comfortable mattress. Sneaking around would probably end badly, since one of the guys was usually awake for some reason.

There's something with YouTubers and not sleeping that go hand in hand.

On the fourth day he was here, I actually fell asleep at a proper time. That was such a rare occasion for me, so when I was woken up by a knock on my door, I was quite pissed off. I ignored it at first, but a minute or so later there was another soft knock.

"What do you want?" I groaned, rolling into my stomach and putting a pillow over my head. I heard the door slowly open, but I didn't bother to check who it was.

"O-oh, you were sleeping. Sorry, I'll go now," they mumbled. I quickly recognized it to be Lachaln's voice, so I hurriedly pushed myself to be sitting up.

"No, no, no, it's fine!" I shouted, suddenly very wide awake. I took a second to look at Lachlan, who stood in the doorway with just his boxers and a very baggy sweatshirt. His sleeves fell down past his hands and his hair was just a little messier than it normally was. He was so adorable.

"No, you were asleep, it's okay. I'll see you in the morning." He gave me a small smile and turned around to leave.

"Seriously, Lach, it's fine. What's up?" I saw him hesitate a little before he decided to come in and sit on my bed.

"I was just... unable to sleep and I wanted to see if you- um- wanted to play Pokemon..." His head was drooped down in embarrassment and I could just see his blush, even though it was dark in the room.

"The amount of cuteness you are giving off right now is making me want to explode." A smile spread wide on his lips.

"I'm just the cutest," he joked, putting his hands under his chin and batting his eyelashes.

"Yes, you are. And what made you want to play Pokemon at," I paused and checked the clock, "five AM?" He shrugged and blushed again.

"I was thinking about you," he started, setting up what seemed like a cheesy statement, "and how I so badly want to beat you at something. So I thought, 'What's a game I'm good at?' And at first, I couldn't think of any, but then I remembered how my YouTube channel became popular. Pokemon!"

"That went from zero to one hundred real quick," I laughed, giving him a shove.

"Yeah, well, why do you have to be so freaking good at everything?" he shot back, pouting.

"Why are you so bad at everything?" I teased. His smile fell for the slightest moment, and suddenly guilt washed over me. "I'm sorry, I was just joking."

"It's okay, I know that. Both those things," he said, his smile just as wide as it was a second ago. It hurt me that he could say things like that and seem completely unaffected.

"Lachlan, I was only joking," I repeated.

"I know, it's fine," he insisted. He paused for a few seconds before he sighed. "So, do you want to play Pokemon or not?"

"Sure, bring it."


After getting my ass kicked twelve out of fifteen times, I noticed the small bit of light that was now in my room.

"Vik, let's go again," Lachlan said under his breath, tugging my sleeve. "What's wrong?"

"Babe, the sun is rising," I responded.

"Oh, damn. Our sleep schedules are fucked," he breathed.

"Hey, let's watch it rise together," I proposed. He nodded, and we shifted around so that, eventually, we were both facing my window and my head was on his shoulder. Sometimes I hated our height differences, but times like that I loved it.

"You know, most couples would watch the sunset or stargaze, but we're not most couples. We play Pokemon and watch the sun rise," he stated, wrapping his arm around me.

"Those couples are lame," I joked.

"But you love the stars," he pointed out.

"Not my point."

"But that's what we did on our first date. Remember?" He knew I remembered, but I could tell he was about to retell it and I loved listening to his voice, so I stayed quiet. "We had known each other for a while, but the only time that we had seen each other in real life until then was at MineCon. It was a long enough time for us to develop feelings for each other and for Simon and Preston to sell us out."

"Seriously, why did they feel the need to tell? I was fine with just Simon knowing and you were fine with just Preston knowing," I interrupted.

"Because they knew if they didn't completely betray us, then this moment would never have happened."

"You're so sappy that you're almost more Canadian than Rob," I teased.

"Well, I took us stargazing for our first date, so yeah, I'd say I'm sappy as fuck."

"You can finish your story now."

"Nah, the moment's over." We both looked at each other for a second, then burst into laughter.

"Those lame-os that watch the sunset got nothing on us. We're romantic as fuck."

"Yeah, we're romantic, nerdy, weirdo gamers that are head over heels for each other."

"I love you," I sang.

"I love you, too," he replied, kissing the top of my head.

The two of us stared out the window in silence for a little while. To me, it felt like all the words that needed to be said in this moment had been said. Lachlan's presence and touch was enough to keep me happy, especially since we so rarely get to see each other.

"Hey, wanna play COD?" I spoke up, ending our silence. He let out a small laugh.

"Sure, but only if we play Zombies," he said.

"Then let's go."


"Vikky, I'm tired," Lachlan mumbled.

"But we're on round fifty-three," I complained. I turned around to pout some more, but Lachlan was already asleep.

A smile found it's way onto my face and I paused our game. I was sitting on his lap, since we didn't care for getting another chair, so I moved my body around to be cross-legged and facing him.

"We can continue the game in a second, just let me close my eyes for a bit," he murmured, only half awake.

"It's fine, let's just sleep," I told him. He gave a lazy nod, and I let my body fall into place with his.

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