More Than It Seems

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((Pairings: Vikklan, Poofless, side Merome
Song: None
Genre: a little bit everywhere, read to find out?
Side-notes: This is a bit different. This is a short little thingy because it's a prologue of sorts. wildwolf wrote this beginning part after we brainstormed a bit (and I did not help at all, I'm sorry bb), and the story branches off into two one-shots. She's taking on the Vikklan one, and I got the Poofless one. We're both HYPED AF. And because we felt like it, there's a little surprise/bonus content after the story. StAY TuNEd))

It was an average day, the sun was out, and the birds ruining all the gosh darn recordings all day every day. Mitch was upstairs screaming about some game he was recording of one of his many many channels that seem to just keep appearing. Rob and Lachlan were conveniently hanging out in a call with me. It was almost like some lame ass teen decided to write a story about their lives. Rob was editing some factions video that had a too dramatic intro and lots of unnecessary music while lachlan was alternating between texting Vik and checking Pokemon Go for any new Pokemon that decided to wander into his house for a capture. It was basically silent in the call but of course my phone was with Mitch so I had fuck all to do.

"Y'know you could be having the best sex of your guys' lives if you just had the balls to find a boyfriend," I decided to fuck with them. What better way to start a day in the middle of a massive heat wave then to ruin your friends' lives with some nice sex jokes and potentially a boyfriend. Besides Rob needed a good fuck or two. Looking at the video feeds I crack up. Lachlan was paused mid text to Vik staring blankly at the screen and Rob had his mouth hanging open and was kinda staring at the wall blankly.

"Dude," Lachlan snapped out of it first and looked affronted. Laughing more I almost fall backwards off my chair.

"What? You guys haven't had sex in a million years, sometimes I worry that Lachlan's a virgin, and honestly you're gay enough that even a straight man would end up fucking you guys, just pick a hot guy and have some fun," they still look annoyed, crap I gotta speak their language.

"If you guys manage to seduce a hot guy-no I will not be judging random dudes to decide if they're hot enough, it's up to you-I will publicly humiliate myself by doing one thing that each of you guys decides," surely this will work on these jackasses. I notice Lachlan and Rob staring intently into each other's eyes before they grin evilly.

"Deal." They say together. A small shudder runs down my spine and I briefly wonder if I've made a huge mistake before I brush it off and just grin right back at them.

"You get one week, make those fangirls proud son." A loud shrill screech of Mitch dying in the background accents this monumental moment. Time to get cracking (crack shipping amirte #bob anyone?).

((Now for the bonus content... wildwolf and I were... conversing for a lack of better words in a shared document and this happened. We would like to share it with you guys. (also thank wildwolf for differentiating who wrote what)))

Wildwolfmb is the bolded beast

JinxedJaguar is the italicized icecream

Lez do dis

lezzgo or is it leggo wha

Leggo my eggo


Of course I'm trash

Who's pov is this in??

this is just the bet making part thing right

Yes, but is it from the eyes of robadobflob? Lachy? Vikky? Or maybe mitch. Jerome? Jerome likes to prank people? K.

maybe 3rd person? or someone who isn't rob or Lachy that knows about it? yeah that makes sense

like Jerome brings it up cause pranks and torture are funny and then rob and lach are like yo bring it bitch

yeah but merome is already a thing in this universe so hes like, damn bro looks like you guys need to take the wheel?

yeah I can hear Jerome saying you could be having hot sex all the time if you take control of your love life

I'm sorry I'm tired I don't know what I'm typing

Look at the first sentence I typed, im no better

let's just not take out this convo part and upload it as a "behind the scenes" chapter xD

So down (mildly already wanting to do that) (but also like this whole thing is behind the scenes to the double so it works and crap)

it'd be a good way to comeback after kinda disappearing for a while... whoops

DONT FORGET ABOUT **** XD ((This is a secret so I starred it... I'm totally not working on something for you guys what))


You forgot didnt you -_-

today was my birthday okay I was too busy catching pokemans

Trash 101

100% true

Tbf I spent most of yesterday pokeman hunting with my friends. Bc we're all trash and ran outta the house at around midnight bc max shouted aboot a jigglypuff

no judging when I was out today people would just yell and then everyone in the area would sprint over

I was gonna walk to get pika as my starter (I had just made my account yknow with my crappy ass phone I had to use my friends but like) nobody got time to walk that far man

ikr it's not like anyone uses their starter anyway xD

Yup also my friend's phone died so they started picking up rocks instead of make believe monsters on a game.

when we saw birds it was so tempting not to throw stuff at them is it the same for you guys

Nop we just yell aboot pidgeys and my friends dog we called arkanine (however the foodge you spell that)

on a side note I am so ready to write angst

Nah man the intro has no angst and the rest is being posted later in life bc I actually have so much to do (shoot oops haha ;_;)

s'kay I'm probably gonna end up getting carried away and writing it either in one go or never finishing

DO you mean my whole life? Bc accurate

did you have a preference on Poofless or vikklan?

Rn wqiuebfvsdjklbawelidvzjkx (vikklan why not I'd love to see lachy do some of my plans so)

okay I'll start brain storming for Poofless

Ty bb I'll make sure to do vikklan justice in the worst way possible

are they gonna be brought together into like te same country or just all over the Internet

It's up to you, in the intro they're all at their own homes but honestly have you seen how much Rob puppy dogs after Presto like wow...

Yeah rob probably will need to be physically there with presto (prepare for borderline smexy scenes in planning it)

No but seriously can we talk about how much Rob puppy's after Preston (it's minorly worrying)

It's sweet in a way but I know what you mean

Yeah (also listening to sad music ((TOP is lyfe)) and writing this trying not to crack up is really conflicting)

You wanna add anything or this good?

I like this and just to clarify seduce just meaning get into bed right or...?

Idk I thought date and crap but to each their own interpretation to lachy might think date before sex but rob might think just SEX

((Yup. I think the convo was longer than the update. Sorry not sorry <3))

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