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((Pairing: at the end of the chapter
Song: none
Genre: smut I guess I just don't know
Side-notes: before I start with the actual side note, I'd like to say I'm proud of that last one shot (Bad Day) and I'm glad you guys liked it :D
Now, I don't... I'm not sure what this is. Neither wildwolf nor I have really through it so there are problem going to be lot of mistakes. I already know it makes no sense - whoops. I seriously don't have a clue why this happened, but both off us are accepting blame for this monster.

We wanted to one up this Chipotlan fanfic we found. (  -- read and your own risk) and look at what happened at 4 fucking AM (we're blaming our blame on sleep deprivation and bullshit like that) ))

My eyes flicker over the smooth packaging, holding the smooth edges together with its unneeded presence. The tan beauty showed its masterful edges through its tight clothes. I tenderly reach forward to caress the plastic bunched at the front. The cold plastic edges contrast the warmth of my fingers. The sharp and hard plastic of the tag sends jolts down my body, filling my brain with all of the things I can do. The possibilities are endless. I delicately pull away the hard plastic keeping me from my prize. The soft shell falls limp as I give into my urges and tear my way through its shiny clothes. As soon as the familiar scent wafts into my nostrils I can feel my pants rough texture become too tight. I reach down and press my hand down into the rough crust keeping the soft and silky insides safe.  Leaning back I grab the rough oval, bringing it up to lay on my exposed stomach.  Wiggling I pull off my pants and underpants revealing my hardened girth. Tossing my clothes to the far reaches of my room I focus down on the cold length pressing into my stomach.  Butterflies rise up where the tan beauty rests and I delicately run my long fingers over the bumps in my strange obsession. This was my first time with this variety. Usually I go for more bumps to run my hands over.  I shrug my thoughts away as I gently pierce the top with my thumb. I can feel my girth drip with my fluids as I open a passageway through the hardened crust. Licking my lips I pull my thumb out from the new hole. Pinching and pulling I manage to tear off a chunk of the darker crust. I lay the dry chunk onto my tongue.  Groaning I let the flavors wash over my body, relaxing my muscles and making my length tingle in anticipation.  I check the hole in the crust before I take the now slightly warmed loaf and angle it towards my length.  I close my eyes as I slide inside the crust. The soft silky insides rub against my aching organ and soothe the tenseness left in my mind. I let go for a moment to let the smooth and fluffy insides tease my erect girth.  I sigh as I start to lift the loaf before snapping my hips back up.  Groaning my eyes roll behind my eyelids.  After a few more moments I feel my stomach start to tense.  Giving in to all of my instincts I speed up. Moaning loudly I ejaculate into the soft insides.  Falling back I take the loaf off of my now flaccid length. Bringing the tan loaf up to my mouth I take a bite. The cooling saltiness contrasts the sweet starchy flavor of the bread. "Better than Chipotle any time Lachlan," I grin as I devour another bite of the now cold meal.

((Pairing: Rob x Bread = Bob
That, ladies and gentlemen, is probably the weirdest thing that will ever make its way onto my account. I sincerely apologize for this. Again, IT'S FOUR AM so I don't really know what I'm posting. I just... I'm sorry))

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