"I'll tell you a secret, Papyrus." You smiled as he leaned in. "I've always wanted to make my own novel, but I'm stuck editing papers. Just like how you want to be a... spaghettor. We're both just at the first step of achieving our dreams, Papyrus."

"THAT IS TRUE, HUMAN." He nodded in agreement, picking you back up by surprise and setting you down in your seat. "LET US CONTINUE OUR STEPS." With that, the skeleton eagerly ran away from you and back behind the counter where Eric was waiting for him. You guessed he meant get back to your job.

That was the most strange, but definitely one of the best random encounters you have ever had.


You sighed as you let your body fall on your couch, exhaustion taking over you. Today left your fingers cramped and your back sore from all the work you did. Papyrus seriously inspired you and you did triple the work you usually do in a day, leaving your boss pleased and your body aching. Now all you wanted to do was make some tea and cuddle in a blanket while watching stupid movies on Netflix. In fact, you would do just that. You deserved it, dammit!

Right as you put the tea kettle on the burner, turning it on high, a knock came to your door. Which surprised you enough that you almost threw the kettle in the air, but managed to somehow just fall on the ground and hit your head. You screamed from the slip, and laid on the marble ground for a few seconds wondering what just happened. A more anxious knock on your door reminded you. Quickly you got off the floor, your head throbbing from the hit but you ran to the door anyways. You opened up the door, trying to get your breath back together. OOh, you got up too fast. Things were spinning. Okay, you were losing balance.

Your hand slipped from the knob and your knees gave up on you, sending you to the floor again. Well, it would have, if arms wouldn't have wrapped around you and keep you on your feet.

You stood in this person's arms for a second, regaining your breath and letting things settle in your head. The smell of smoke and pine was strong, you noticed, and you backed away from your visitor.

They left you speechless.

...Another skeleton?

Is death trying to give you a message?

While you gaped like a fish, the monster chuckled at you, almost amused. That snapped you back to reality and you took them in.

Male, apparently. He wore a cream colored turtleneck, over it was a crop leather jacket with white frills around the hood. Blue skinny jeans with belts hanging off the sides, the jeans then tucked into black combat boots. You had no idea what kind of vibe this guy was trying to give off, but those scars across his eyes almost put you off. He also had perfect circular holes in the palms of his skeletal hands, and you didn't know what to think about them. A scar? Birth defect?

Did skeletons even get birthed?

Ooone thought at a time. What was he even doing here? Maybe he was related to that Papyrus from the coffee shop? Was that racist to think? Fuck, you were so confused.

"Why are you at my house," you managed to blurt out in your stupor, and you mentally hit yourself. What the fuck, that was so rude. The skeleton opened his mouth but you interrupted. "I MEAN," you desperately tried to not be mean, "I don't?? I? Uh... Hi! I live here, you don't! Wait, what? I'm so sorry, I just.. I don't know? WHO ARE YOU?"

Once you yelled you immediately just stopped talking and slapped your hand on your face. You didn't even hide it as you banged your head against the door. The whole time the man just stared at you, and you were 100% sure this guy thought you were nuts and was about to bolt away. Hell, you would if you were him.

Sorry About That (Gaster!Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now