Chapter 26

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Harry:we cant have another baby! We just got our first two back today.

Me:well guess what? Im four months pregnant alright?

Harry:when were you gonna tell me?

Me:I was actually planning on telling you and everyone else tomorrow afternoon. But James could already sense having a new little sister so I decided to tell both of you just now

Nicole:I get a little sister?

Me:*smiles* yes sweetie you get have a little sister and brother now

Nicole:*smiles really wide* thats great! Can we help you take care of her?

Me:of course you can *smiles* and maybe I'll even let you put her down for naps and everything 

Nicole:*smiles* yay! Im so happy to have another sibling *hops off the couch* Im gonna go upstairs to my room and change

Me:alright sweetie if you want you can take a nap

Nicole:alright *runs upstairs to my room* 

Harry:how do you know it's a girl?

Me:cause I went to see the doctor and he told me that its a girl were having....

Harry:we cant have another baby though

Me:Harry Im not giving up this daughter of ours like I did with James and Nicole. It's not happening. We are keeping this daughter end of it.

Harry:why dont I have a say in it?

Me:you just did but I win. Majority won. You're the one who's not ready for another child. Im ready for a third child and James and Nicole are ready to have a little sister. Theyre willing to help us out. Why do you not want another daughter?

Harry:we're just not ready. Why cant you just get an abortion or something!?

Me:are you seriously suggesting to get an abortion again? First you wanted me to get an abortion when I was pregnant with James and Nicole and now you want to get rid of your second daughter and their little sister? Seriously?!

Harry:whatever keep the her but Im not helping

Me:listen I understand it's overwhelming just getting James and Nicole back then you get this news that you're gonna be a father to another little girl but you cant just walk away from this child of yours.

Harry:how do I know if it's even mine?

Me:*looks at you shocked* really? You're accusing me of cheating now?

Harry:well it's all over twitter and in magazines....

Me:those two guys I was walking with that was in disguise is Lou and Liam. They were helping me get you a late birthday present. They were in disguise cause we knew that wherever we went the paparazzi would make up some rumor that maybe Lou and/or Liam are gonna propose to Elea and Dani, or maybe Im cheating on you with Lou cause the way we were talking and stuff or something stupid!

Harry:by you being my wife and us parenting Nicole and James together is the best gift I could ever get! Im blessed with having you three and now four. Just with you all being by my side now is a gift to me every single day of my life now.

Me:well we're keeping this daughter no matter what. And now Im gonna go put James down so his arms wont be hurting.

I went upstairs to the second floor where all the bedrooms and stuff are. I went to James room and put him down in his bed. He looked so peaceful like the first night I put him in his crib. I can tell he's gonna be a great boy when he grows up.

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