Chapter 25

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Next Morning: The Big Wedding Day!

I woke up and saw the girls all in the kitchen eating. I went over to them and just grabbed myself a bowl of cereal. I sat infront of them and just ate my cereal in peace. I mean it was pretty quiet.

Dani,Elea&Gemma:*looks at each others shouts* 6 Hours!!!!!

Me:*covers my ears* jeez loud're suppose to save the voices for the wedding party 

Dani:sorry but we're just so excited as so should you

Me:*smiles* I am happy! Im just nervous. Like what if he backs out at the last moment. Or nobdoy shows up. Or maybe the dress is wrong. Or maybe it rains. Or even! He cancels the entire wedding and goes and dates that stupid Jade girl.

Elea:woah, woah, woah hold on....back it up and repeat the last thing you just said

Me:some girl the other day knows Harry. She said that he dated her and four other girls during the auditions of the X-Factor so what if he does that again

Gemma:Maci I know my brother and as soon as he has been with you he has changed competely. I know you guys met on August 30th.

Me:how did you know that?

Gemma:because thats the day he called me and said it was the best day of his life and since that day he hasnt been with any other girl until he saw you again. And by that I mean he's only been with you and he only wants you

Me:I guess you guys are right. Come on we gotta get dressed so we can drive to the building and get ready.

Elea:good point! And the guys said theyre leaving in thirty minutes. Which is good enough cause the wedding doesnt start till 5:30pm. And we wont arrive there till 2:15 about cause someone decided to have the wedding so far away.

Me:well Niall's family has to be able to get ready and still arrive on time. So sorry. Blame Niall for being irish!

Dani:let's just go. *grabs the car keys* the dresses are being delivered there right?

Me:yup! Now on the road we go! *grabs my jacket runs outside to the car*

Gemma&Dani:what are we gonna do with her?

Elea:no idea but lets not disappoint this bride *heads out to the car with you guys gets in the back with Maci*

Dani:*gets in the driver's seat*

Gemma:*gets in the passenger seat*

Me:is my hair alright?

Gemma:it looks great

Me:I just hope it doesnt get messed up. It took them a few hours to do this.

Elea:you're fault for having so much hair and wanting it to be exactly like the picture.

Me:*sticks my tongue out at you* Im the youngest one here and yet Im getting married first

Dani:that is kinda weird but hey you still need to rest cause as soon as you walk down that aisle you wont sleep till the very ending of the wedding. 

Me:*yawns* good point *lays my head on your shoulder starts to fall asleep* just a few more hours till I say "I Do" *smiles*

Elea:*pats the top of your head carefully* just take your nap sis

Me:*falls asleep*

Dani:this is gonna be a very long time for us you know

Gemma:she's gonna be part of my family soon trust me I'll have to deal with her and Harry more than anyone else will. Well other than Liam but you guys know what I mean

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