Chapter 14

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Nobody answered on who did it. I obiviously knew Logan wouldnt do it cause I trust him and he wouldnt want me to leave right after I just came here and he always had my back. And If anything he always is the one protecting me so he wouldnt want me hurt at all. So I just decided to not talk to the others till they admit who did it. Cause honestly Im not gonna deal with more drama. Breakfast didnt happen for me this mornin. Wasnt hungry as I should be especially with pregnancy so I decided to just go out on the front porch and sit on the couch swing thing there. I looked out at the kids playing, teenagers walking by and just everything. My teenage life is gonna be gone after these little kids come..... I went to get up but then I passed out.

*Harry's Pov*

Zayn, Niall and I were hangin out with Liam at his house while Louis was out with his girlfriend. I just couldnt help but thinkin that I lost my one and only true love. I was bein such a jerk and I just dont know what to do now.....

Liam:*nudges ur arm* you alright lad?

Me:*shrugs* I just.....I mean I really screwed up and I may never get her back......

Zayn:the worse thing to do is think negative though you gotta think positive

Me:I guess ur right.......

Louis:*runs into the house* have u guys heard the news?

Liam:what news?

Louis:*looks at u guys worried* uh oh.......if u guys havent heard the news then you dont know what has happened to her......

Me:to who? *stands up* Who's her?

Louis:*looks down*

Me:Who is "her"? *looks at you feels my voice crack a bit* is it Maci?

Louis:*sighs hands u my phone* 

Me:*takes it reads the article* wh-wha.....what? this can't be true! I just saw her and she was perfectly healthy.....this just cant be*sits back on the arm of the couch feeling torn puts my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands while shakin my head* this just cant be true.......just cant be.......she doesnt deserve this at all....*starts to cry* it should be me in that hostipal bed not her......she doesnt do anythin wrong in this world and God's punishin her for my stupid mistakes of hurtin her.......

Liam:come on the best thing to do right now is just go and visit her cause she's gonna need all the love and support she can get

Zayn:*pats ur bac* come on it might be good for you two to see each other like this

Me:*nods* alright lets go.......*sighs gets up*

*Couple days later

 At the hostipal*

The boys and I arrived back in the states a coupe days ago. I decided to wait a while before seeing Maci. I just wanted to give her some time so it'd kinda be a surprise for her. I kept pacing back and forth waiting for the doctor to come back from checkin on her.

Dr.Mitchell:*comes out goes over to you guys* well she's waking up. It might take her a bit to respond back cause we had to give her some medicine for fainting. It seems that one of the twins may have a problem so thats why she wouldnt eat as much and why she passed out cause she was straving the other twin and it kept eatin more of her food which made herself strave......

Niall:so we can see her then right?

Dr.Mitchell:oh yes! Just dont all talk at once cause it might give her a headache so just be careful

Liam:alright thank you Dr.Mitchell *looks at the guys* so guess we can go see her now

Louis:come on *starts walkin with Zayn and Niall to her room*

Save You Tonight (A Harry Styles Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora