Chapter 8

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Me:*looks at you guys shocked* what do you mean she left?

Liam:*puts my hand on your shoulder sits on the couch with you* she decided to leave......but she isnt gonna be back at home or anywhere near here she said

Zayn:take a look at the note if you don't believe us......

Me:*reads the note outloud* Hey guys by the time you read this I'll be off anywhere but here or at home. Im leaving cause I seem be causing problems here......I'm sorry for everything. Louis, Niall and Zayn you three are the best three older brothers I've had. You guys treat me just like any brothers would treat their younger sisters. Im blessed I met you guys. I'll always remember and love you guys. Liam well I'll most likely be seeing you soon since I kinda have to living with you and all.....but if anything does happen before we see each other again I wanna say I love you. Your the greatest brother Ive had. And after dad's death I still had him here with me.....through you. And I always will. Then Harry..... Im sorry for everything. *starts to cry a bit* Guess our love isnt meant to last as long as I expected it was suppose to be. I will always love you and the ring and bracelet will be coming back to you soon..... Well thats all. I love you guys and Liam i'll be seeing you soon......... Bye. Love, Maci A. Payne. *crumples up the note throws it at the wall* Im never gonna get her back! *looks at Louis* this is your fault! You just had to be jealous!

Louis:yeah sure blame me but yet you been ignorin me the last week while Maci paid attention to everyone while still bein lovey dovey with u!

Me:so what!!! Im inlove with her! You cudnt just wait one week?!

Louis:you've never been like this before! Never! Are u serious? And you wanna tell me how to be a friend? I dont have a problem with Maci. I think shes a great girl its you I got a problem with.....

Liam:*stands inbetween you two* hey lets calm down now alright we dont need another person going missin now too

Louis:why not?! Why not have the stupid love bird go look after his girlfriend?

Me:cause this is your fault! If YOU Could Just Handle ME In A Relationship YOU Wouldve NEVER Caused This!!! *goes into my room slams the door*

Louis:Im done with this boy band......If Harry wants to be a little baby and cry over his missing girlfriend instead of lookin for her then guess what his lost.......*goes into my room slams the door*

Me:*throws some stuff around my room sits against the bedroom door and listens to the guys conversation*

Liam:what are we gonna do? Louis's leaving the group, Harry is all upset and Im still missing my sister.....

Zayn:best thing to do is just pray that Maci's alright and we just gotta find a solution for Louis and Harry......

Niall:Zayn's right we just gotta do the best we can for our situations

Liam:yeah I guess.....*sees Louis comes out with packed bags* where are you goin?

Louis:Im going back home.....I was serious when I said Im done with this boy band........

Zayn:its one little fight you cant go we got a concert to do tomorrow!

Louis:find someone to take my place......Im done here......

Oh my gosh......Louis's leaving the group? He can't do that! It's only us five and always will be nobody can take any of our places. He can't go. What is he talking bout? I continued listenin to find out he knows where Maci does he know this though? 

Me:*gets up walks out to the guys* where is she? and how do you know where she is?!

Louis:you guys are seriously just unsmart cause if you look at the note she highlighted the letters of the arena we were suppose to play at and but we didnt cause some kid named Hunter Hayes was gonna perform there. And then if you check her twitter it shows her and that guy together on his tourbus......duhh! This is why Im the oldest......

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