I Need You 27

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Chapter 27

Logan grabs my hand as we stroll down the street towards the stores. I see snow falling softly, and grin up at Logan. "I told you that this would be fun!" He whispers in my ear. I see someone snap a picture, and Logan pulls into his side. I hide my face against his chest, and he wraps his jacket around me. We quickly make our way into a store, and my phone starts to ring. I angrily answer my phone, "This better be important!" I snap into the phone. "M-M-Maddy..?" A soft Irish accent whispers from the other line. Why was he calling me?! I fight back tears, and Logan sees my discomfort. "Please...say something...anything... I-I haven't slept since you left... I am sorry.. I know you hate me, and I just wanted you to know I never willingly cheated on you.... I-I love you.." He says his voice cracking. I hear someone angrily shouting Niall's name, and the voices get muffled. "NO! NOT NOW! NOT WITH HER ON THE PHONE!" Niall shouts sounding pissed. "N-Niall..?" I whisper into the phone. "I have to go." Niall says before disconnecting the call. What the in God's name was that about? "Niall..?" Logan says cautiously. Atleast someone knew it was a touchy subject. I bite my botton lip, "Yes." I say sighing. "He gave me a speech, I heard yelling, and then he said he had to go..." I say slightly confused. "Do you want to go home?" Logan asks me. "No..? No. I won't let him ruin our day out." I say finally convinving myself. "If you want to go home any point in the day, just let me know." Logan says smiling. "I will. Don't worry." I say grinning at him. "Alright, let's get you some clothes!" Logan says pulling me over to a table of shirts.


"Thank you, again!" I say into my phone. Logan had left about a hour ago. "No problem, but if we go out anywhere fancy you have to wear the black dress! It suits you really well." He says into the phone. "I know, you have told me about a billion times. Anyways, I have to go. I have a animal appointment tomorrow. Some guy fed his dog chocolate yesterday." I say rolling my eyes. "I won't even comment on that! Bye, baby!" Logan says jokingly in the phone. "Bye, weirdo." I say laughing before I hang up. I put my cup of hot chocolate in the sink, and look out my penthouse's window. Central Park was lit up down the street from me, and snow was falling beautifully from the skies. I wrap my thin robe tighter around me, and make my way back to the kitchen. I hear a light knocking on my door, who would knock on my door at eleven at night? I pull my fuzzy shorts down, and fix Niall's oversized shirt on my body. It still smelled like him... I tie my robe around my waist, so you can only see my long slender legs. I unchain my door, and slowly open it. No one was at the door..? I scrunch my face in confusion, and see a bouquet of tiger lillies infront of my doorway. Who got me my favorite flowers...? I pick up the flowers, and smell them. Mmmm...they smelled wonderful. "Hello? Who got me the flowers?" I say sticking my head out of my doorway. Only Niall knew my favorite flower.... I see a pale pink card attached to one of the tiger lillies. *I am sorry.... I love you...* It reads in his handwriting. I lay the flowers down on the counter, and dart to my front door. I step outside my doorway, and look around. "Niall? Are you still here? Please, I-I need to see you..." I say looking down my empty corridor. I hear the elevator ding, and I see a brown haired guy get on. When, the man gets on I watch him turn around. I catch my breath as I see Niall's sorrowful face. His bright blue eyes were now a washed out grey color. He had dark bags under his eyes, and looked frail. "Niall! Please! Don't leave me..." I say running down the hall. "I am sorry..." He mouthes to me as I reach the elevator. The steel doors close, and I desperately bang on them. "Niall! Niall!" I scream as tears drip down my face. I missed him too much to be angry with him right now... I sink to the ground, and lean my head against the cold elevator doors. I just wanted to be able to touch him one last time....but he was gone. I stand up, and cry to myself as I walk back to my home. I hear the elevator ding again, and see curly brown hair. Harry..? "Harry, is that you?" I say confused. "No, doll it isn't." A angry man says. I frantically try to unlock my door. I see the man round the corner, and notice he has a gun. OH HELL NO! I yank my door open, and slam it closed behind me. I quickly lock it, and search my phone. Shit, who did I call..?! Niall...? Would he answer? I pick up my phone as I hear banging on the door. "Come on... come on!" I say frantically. "Stay calm..." I chant to myself. "Hello, this is Niall Horan. I will call you back later. Leave a message. Nandos!" His voicemail says. "Let me in doll face. Come quietly or you will get shot." The man says on the other side of my door. I try to call the front desk, but the landline is dead. I call Niall again, and say a silent prayer. "NIALL! Someone is at my house with a gun!" I say frantically into the phone. "Shit! Maddy, go hide in your closet. Do not make a fucking sound! He might try to kill you... Please, listen to me, okay? I am on my way." Niall says into the phone. My blood runs cold, "Kill m-me..?! WHY DOES SOMEONE WANT TO KILL ME?!" I shout into the phone. "STOP BEING A WHINY BITCH AND DO WHAT I FUCKING SAID! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT!" Niall screams at me through the phone. I pull it away from my ear, and feel my anger bubbling. "Fuck you!" I scream into the phone before I throw it against my front door. Right before it hits the door, the door swings open. The man with the gun gets hit with my phone, flying very fast I may add, in the face. I watch his head fly back from the impact, and he hits the ground. I cautiously walk over to him, and kick his gun away. I lean over his face, "Hello..?" I say poking his cheek. The man groans, but his eyes stay closed. Only I could do something like this... I pick his gun up, and empty the clip of the one bullet it held. "One bullet..? You aren't a very bright person." I say putting the bullet in my robe's pocket. I drag the man the rest of the way in my house, and shut the door behind us. His blue eyes open, and he glares at me. "Was throwing a bloody phone at me the right choice?!" His British accent snaps at me. "Hey! Shut up! You had a gun, not me! I wasn't trying to kill someone." I snap right back at him. I hear banging on my door, "And now the asshole is here. Go sit on the couch I will get you a ice bag." I say sighing. I walk over to my fridge, and open the freezer. "Damn it, Madison! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Niall shouts angrily. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND HOLD ON!" I scream at him as I give ice to the man who tried to shoot me. "So, why are you helping me if I tried to shoot you?" He asks confused. "You didn't, and I felt bad for hitting you in the head with my phone." I say shrugging. "Eh, I'm not arguing." He says leaning back against the couch. I make my way over to the door, and open it trying to control my anger. "Where is he? Why didn't you listen?! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT!" Niall shouts looking me over. I massage my temples, and glare at him. "I am fine. My phone knocked him out. The gun is gone, and you can leave." I say about to slam the door. Niall stops it with his foot, and pushes it back open. "Is he still here?" He says trying to look around me. "My boyfriend took care of it." I say trying to push Niall's buttons. "Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend...?" Niall says through gritted teeth. "Yes, his name is Logan." I say trying not to smirk. "I want to meet him." Niall says stepping towards me. "Oh, no. I couldn't meet your girlfriend, so you won't be meeting my boyfriend. Besides, he isn't here." I say grinning at him. "How long have you guys been dating?" Niall says trying not to show is jealously. "Niall, your jealously is showing you might want to get it in check." I say biting my bottom lip. "Me? Jealous? I don't think so." Niall says stepping more towards me. Niall pushes me against the wall next to my front door, and rubs his nose down my neck. "Your skin...it's so soft." He whispers huskily in my ear. "My boyfriend wouldn't like this." I say trying to stay calm. "He wouldn't know." Niall says kissing my collar bone. I bite back a moan, "Do you really have a boyfriend?" Niall says looking in my eyes. "Yes." I say weakly. "Wrong answer." Niall says cupping my butt. He slams my back into my wall, and starts to kiss my neck. "S-Stop... I don't have a boyfriend.." I say weakly. Niall pulls away, "Now, who is here?" He asks holding back his anger. "The shooter." I say quietly. "WHAT!" Niall shouts glaring at me. He slams the door open, and I hear him cussing the guy out. Great...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2013 ⏰

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