I Need You 8

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Chapter 8

"Thank you, Harry." Maura says smiling at him. It was a smile that said, I wish I had my old son back. I could tell she missed Niall. Everyone did... "Madison, I apologize I didn't get to tell you a proper hello last night. I am sorry that Niall did that to you." Maura says hugging me. "Its fine, Maura. I know he didn't mean it." I say glancing at Harry. "Please stop talking about it." Harry says trying to control his anger. Maura pulls back, and nods her head. "Lets just have a day out in Dublin." She says smiling. "Niall?" Maura says confused. I turn to see Niall coming down the stairs buttoning his dark green shirt. I look in his eyes, and they have noticeably darkened. He wasn't himself, he was being fueled by anger and jealousy. "I hope you don't mind if I tag along." He says glaring at Harry. I turn to look at Harry, and he shakes his head. We both knew this wouldn't be good. "Niall, maybe you should go back to Lydia. She probably wouldn't want you to be seen with us." I try to say as nicely as possible. It still sounded harsh. "I can be with who I like." He says putting his arm around his mom's shoulders. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Harry mumbles. I stifle a laugh behind my hand as we walk out to the limo. Harry opens the door for me, and I climb in. I watch as Niall gets infront of his mom, and sits down beside me. Harry helps Maura in the car before shutting the door. Atleast Harry still had his manners... Harry sits down next to me, and places his hand on my knee. "Niall, come sit by me please." Maura says patting the seat next to her. We had about a hour before we reached Dublin. Niall shakes his head no to his mom, and leans back in his seat. I lay back against my seat, and close my eyes to take a nap. I feel myself curl up against Niall's side. I feel him tense before relaxing.

** Maura's POV **

I watch Madison fall asleep, curled up next to Niall. He tenses at first, and relaxes against her. I see him watch her with loved filled eyes. Why couldn't he see he belonged with her? I normally am okay with anyone, but Lydia is just a dreadful wretch. Niall sleepily wraps his arms around Madison, and she snuggles into his chest. Soon they are both alseep cuddling with each other. Harry glances at them, and smiles. "I am glad he is coming around." Harry says smiling. I could tell he was starting to fall for Madison. "I hope they get close enough, so Niall will call off the wedding with the cheating wretch." I say distastefully. Harry chuckles, "Don't we all?" He says before we start to laugh.

** Madison's POV **

I snuggle into the solid chest I was laying on. I feel strong arms wrapped around me protectively. I flutter my eyes open half asleep, and see Niall's beautiful face. Niall was actually cuddling with me... I watch as he snuggles even closer to me, and I can now feel his hot breath on my cheek. "Niall.." I say softly. I get infront of his face, and kiss his cheek. Niall's eyes flutter open, and I stare into his perfectly blue orbs. "We are here." I say rubbing his arm. I notice Maura and Harry were already out of the car. "Where are they?" Niall says sleepily. I unbuckle my seatbelt, and stretch out my legs. I see a note in Maura's seat. "They are at a resteraunt down the road from here." I say looking at Niall. He finally unwraps his arms from around me, and plucks the note from my hands. "I know where it is." Niall says opening the car door. I wish he was still as sweet as he looked in his sleep... I climb out of the car, and put my Ray Bans on. I follow Niall down the street to the resteraunt. I walk in, and immediately see Harry. I run over to him, and he hugs me. "Glad to see you two are awake." Maura says as I sit down next to Harry. Niall sits across from me with Maura. I could tell this may actually be a decent day.

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