I Need You 21

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Chapter 21

"Harry, please don't make me watch another scary movie..." I say giving him my puppy dog face. "Fine, its eleven thirty at night. We should go to bed anyways." Harry says standing up. I watch as he stretches, and walks to his bedroom. "Nighty night, love birds. Please, no sex on my couch." Harry says waggling his eyebrows at us. I flick him off, and Niall chuckles. "He is right, we should go to bed." Niall says picking me up off of his lap. He sets me down on the couch before standing up. "Please, carry meeee..?" I say smiling. Niall frowns, "You know I can't say no." Niall says picking me up. I smile to myself, I was definitely spoiled. I rest my head on Niall's shoulder, and listen to him hum a song. When we get into the bedroom he lays me down on the bed. "Ni, I'm not tired." I say wide awake. ( I'm falllliiing from cloouuudd ninneee...sorry.. #katyperrymoment...) "Its snowing outside, so there isn't much we can do, babe." Niall says playing with my fingers. "Oh, there is one thing we can do, but not here." I say smirking. "I hate you...tease." Niall says rolling on top of me. "C-Can't b-breathe fatass..." I say out of breath. "That is rude." Niall says trailing his hands up the outside of my legs. I groan inwardly, and try to push Niall off. "Not until you say sorry." Niall says kissing the corner of my mouth. "Stop..." I gasp trying to breathe. It felt as if he was crushing my lungs. Niall shifts, and knocks the breath out of me...yet again. "Niall, get off me.." I say getting agrivated. "Nope. You haven't said sorry." Niall says tracing my lips with his left pointer finger. "I am sorry..." I say pouting. Niall rolls off me, and I pull my sweatpants off. I hated sleeping in pants... Niall trails his hands up my now bare legs. "Ni, stop." I say slapping away his hands. I was grumpy now, and the sleepiness hitting me all at once didn't blend well together. Niall sighs, "Okay." He says wrapping his arm around my waist. I snuggle into his side, and breathe in his after shave. It smelt absolutely amazing... The bedroom door opens, and Harry looks from me to Niall. "Liam is in the hospital..." Harry says with his car keys in his hand. I sit up with my shirt exposing my bare legs, and lace underwear. "Is he okay? Is Abby okay?" I say quickly. Oh god...please let Abs be okay... I hoped Liam was okay, too. Obviously, if he wasn't okay, Abs wouldn't be emotionally okay. "Abby is fine. I am going to get her now. Liam has a few broken ribs.. Some guy tried to attack Abby in an alleyway, and Liam fought him." Harry says putting his coat on. "Tell her to come in here, once you guys get back." I say yawning. I look at Niall, and he looks very upset. "Who did it to him, lad?" Niall asks trying to calm himself. I put my hand on his upper arm, and he relaxes some. "They have him in jail, and are questioning him. I think someone hired the attacker." Harry says giving Niall a knowing look. "Are you saying someone from 'The Wanted' did this?" Niall asks clenching his fist. "I don't know why anyone else would. The attacker didn't even have a reason to attack them." Harry say runnung his right hand through his hair. "I am coming with you." Niall says pulling on his jeans over his boxers. I look at Harry, and frown. I didn't want to be left alone...especially if someone was out to get the boys. "Niall, you shouldn't leave Madison alone." Harry says glancing at me. "Go on and go. If I want to come I can drive." Niall says waving Harry off. Harry nods, and shuts the bedroom door. I hear him leave the house, and hear Niall walk to the bedroom door. "Ni, do not do something stupid." I say watching his movements. "I wasn't planning on it." He snaps. I stare at him slightly taken aback, "Maddy, I didn't mean to be rude..but-" Niall starts to say as he runs his left hand through his hair. "You should probably sleep on the couch, Abby needs my support right now." I say laying back down. "Babe, I am sorry." Niall says walking back to bed. "Put a shirt, and sweatpants on. She will probably cry most of the night, so you can sleep on the couch." I say sternly. I left no room to argue with me. I hear the front door open, and hear Abby being soothed by Harry. I look at Niall, and stand up right before Abby comes in the room. She runs to me, and I hug her. She immediately starts to cry on my shoulder. I rub her back like a mother would, and walk us over to the bed. "Give me a couple minutes, and you can come in here to sleep." I mouthe to Niall. He nods his head in response before leaving. "H-He protected me..and n-now he is hurt-t..." Abby says softly. "He will be fine, Abs. You aren't hurt, it could have been a lot worse. Atleast you guys are both alive, right?" I say pulling back from our hug slightly. She looks up at me with puffy red eyes, and nods her head yes. I give her a pair of my pajamas, so she can change. "Niall.." I call softly through the slit in the door where I opened it. I see him get up off the couch, and walk to the door. He walks into the room, and hugs me. "She is going to sleep with us." I say as Abs comes out of the bathroom. I lay down in the bed, and Abby lays to my right as Niall lays to my left. I feel Niall grab my waist, and I cuddle against his chest. I feel Abby hide against my back, and fall into a soft slumber. I bury my head against Niall's chest, and he rubs my arm until I fall asleep. I knew deep down that Liam would be okay.

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