I Need You 20

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Chapter 20

Harry passes me the popcorn, and I grab a handful of it. I shove the popcorn in my mouth, "Chshshipmhunphk!" I say trying to say chipmunk. Harry laughs, and pulls out his phone. "Chipmunkstagram!" He says clicking a picture. I eat the popcorn while glaring at him. "I am in one of Niall's oversized shirts, my hair is in a ponytail, and I am wearing sweatpants. Was that really needed?" I say shooting daggers at him with my eyes. Harry shows me the picture, "You look like a adorable chipmunk. Oh, already over 2,000 hearts. Guess the fans love you!" Harry says grabbing my cheek. "I am telling Niall what you did." I say pouting. "He put a picture of you drinking Star Bucks in the snow on here. It says, 'my beautiful girlfriend who likes to steal my beanies'. It has over a million hearts. So, I think he will adore my picture." Harry says showing me the picture. It was of me right after I got my coffee, and I was smiling while drinking it because Niall told me a joke. It was actually a really good picture. "I would have to say its my favorite picture of you." Harry says looking back down at his phone. I roll my eyes, and lean across his lap to grab the remote. "No, I get to pick!" He says snatching the remote from my hand. "No! You will pick a scary movie!" I say punching his shoulder. "Aww, does poor Mabby wann her boyyfriennn?" Harry says using a baby voice. "Shut up." I say embarrassed. Harry takes out his phone, and dials Niall's number. "Harry, don't you dare-" I start to finish as I hear the ringing. "Hello, Nialler. Your girlfriend wants you here because I am putting on a scary film." Harry says winking at me. He hangs up his phone, "He is on his way." Harry says smirking. I flick his ear, "Ouch!" He says rubbing his ear. "Asshole." I mumble. Harry turns, and frowns at me. "What did you say?" He says smiling wickedly. I knew that smile... It was his 'I am going to tickle you to death' smile. I jump over the back of the couch, and run behind the black marble counter. Harry sprints after me, and stands on the other side of the counter. "You are trapped now." He says smirking. I feel my eyes widen as I stare at his smirk. "Your eyes just got as big as a doe's caught in a headlights." Harry says using an American saying. I hear Harry's door open, and see a snow covered Niall walk in. "Niall! Help me!" I say as Harry darts at me. I run the opposite way, and sprint to Niall. I jump into his arms knocking both of us on the ground. Niall grunts as we hit the ground, and I hear Harry crack up with laughter. "I am so sorry, Ni." I say straddling his waist. He starts laughing, and I sit there awkwardly. I stand up, and scratch the back of my neck. Harry wipes the tears from his eyes, and helps Niall up. "Cunts." I say inbetween coughs. Niall grabs my waist, "Take it back." He says kissing my lips. "No." I say smirking. Harry grins that evil grin again, and starts to walk towards me. I try to back up, but run into Niall. "N-N-Niall, help me." I say turning to run. Niall grabs my waist, and holds me in place. "Say sorry!" Harry says starting to tickle me. "N-NEVER!" I say laughing. My sides start to hurt, and I look at Niall. I give him my puppy dog eyes, and he melts instantly. "Alright, Harry enough for now. You can get even when I'm not here." Niall says winking at me. "I love you." Niall says kissing my forehead. "I love you, too." I mumble grumpily. "Come on, grumpy pants." Niall says laughing. Oh, they didn't even get a taste of my revenge. They would regret messing with me!

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