I Need You 10

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Chapter 10

** Niall's POV **

I see Madison's phone laying on the paved driveway. She must have forgot it. It had a crack across the screen. It mad me think of how I just broke her heart.. I see Harry approaching me, and he yanks it out of my hand. He clicks some buttons before shoving the phone in my face. "Do you see that fucking video?! Or do you still believe that bitch?!" Harry says as the video of Lydia cheating on me plays. I stare at the phone frozen. No. It wasn't true. I watch the video again, and it indeed is Lydia. "Y-You made me push the only person I loved away! We are over! I am done with you! I don't even care, keep the ring!" I shout at her. I had to get to the aiport before she left. I had to get her back. "Niall-" My mum says grabbing my wrist. "Niall! Listen to me. She is gone her jet left ten minutes ago. Harry left also. Its justs us." My mum says with tears in her eyes. "Please, just leave my house. Until you have changed..you are not welcome here." My mum chokes out. I stare at her in shock..did she just disown me? "Just please tell me where she went..." I beg close to tears. "Please leave." She says sternly. I look at her one last time before leaving. I had no one left. They boys hated me. Madison hated me. My mum...just disowned me... It was all my fault.

** Madison's POV **

I look at Harry sleeping soundly in the chair across from me. He had come to the rescue yet again. Harry had caught me right before the jet took off, and some how convinced me to come to London with him. Maybe since I had a hatred of Niall I could finally move on. I bet Niall didn't even miss me... I had to push him out of my mind. "Madison, get some rest." Harry says sitting up tiredly. "I am trying... I just.. I can't stop thinking about him." I say softly. "When we get to mine I will have to have you meet Abby and Eleanor. You will love them." He says smiling. "What is Abby's last name?" I say curious. I had a long lost friend from the States named Abby. "Vallmoria?" Harry says confused. "Thats my best friend Abby from the States!" I say instantly feeling better. A image of a perfect straight toothed little girl with brown hair straighter than her teeth, and beautiful green eyes identical to mine came to my mind. I hadn't seen her in years. "Thats great, you should get along then." Harry says more awake now. "If she even remembers me, that is." I say doubtful. "I am sure she will. She is dating my best mate Liam Payne. He is in the band with Louis, Niall, Zayn, and I." Harry says as I look out the window. Niall's words keep replaying in my mind, "I never loved you!" His voice screams in my head again and again. I go to the bathroom, and take some aspirin. I throw the mirror on the ground, and curl up in the bathtub. I see my hand is bleeding because I slashed it on a mirror shard. "Madison? Are you okay?" Harry asks knocking on the door. I don't answer him...because honestly I was not okay. I was broken. Niall James Horan ruined me for any other man. I could never love again. My soul was dead. I may be alive, but it was a emotionless shell of the person I used to be. I wish I had never met Niall. He was a life ruiner.


"Ni, stop it!" I say giggling. He was playing with my hair, and tickling my sides. I stare at the bubbling spring infront of us. "So I have something to tell you.." Niall says trailing off. I get up from his chest, and prop myself up on my elbows on the soft grass. "At your attention, sir." I say saluting him. "You are such a smart arse." Niall says chuckling. He grabs my hand, and kisses my palm gently. "I am going to try out for X-Factor tomorrow." Ni says smiling. I jump into his lap, and hug him tightly. "Promise me you will call everynight." I say smiling. "I promise. I will never leave you behind, never." Niall says kissing my cheek. I look up at the starry sky, and listen to his soft breathing. It was a perfect night.


He only called me once. After that I waited every night for his calls...but they never came. I had lost him. He left behind...and..and he promised he wouldn't. He was a liar.

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