I Need You 1

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Chapter 1

I set my chai tea down on my intern's desk. "Any calls while I was gone?" I say handing her the caramel macchoito she ordered. We both loved Star Bucks' coffee. "Actually someone did call. They are from your home town." Rain says. "Was it.." I start to say. Thinking about my long lost best friend Niall. After he left for the X-Factor he never talked to me again. He left me behind, and he said he wouldn't. I never got to tell him I loved him. By the time the show and tour were over I was already moved to America. I now lived in New York City as a well know veterinarian. Although, I had lived in Ireland I was American. I was born on a American army base before moving to Mullingar. My father's family was Irish though. "Yes, it sounded like his mother. They need some help with their horse farm. His mother remembered you. She said come as quickly as possible." Rain says smiling. "I guess I am going back to Mullingar then." I say standing up. "Can you take care of everything while I am gone?" I say grabbing my purse. "Sure can. When are you leaving?" Rain asks checking emails. "Tonight on my jet. Thank you, Rain." I say slinging my jacket over my arm. "Madison, do not be upset if he changed. Get your love back!" Rain says waving. "Niall could never change." I say to her before leaving. He couldn't have changed, could he? I walk briskly to my apartment right down the road. I seriously hoped he remembers me when I arrive.. atleast Maura did. I eagerly pack my bags for the lovely Mullingar weather...not. Mullingar weather was not lovely. I drag my own bags to the elevator that was my front door. I loved living in my suite above the city. You could see all the beautiful lights at nighttime, but honestly I was lonely sometimes. Always being on the go, I never had a chance to meet other guys. I just always thought of Niall. I try to clear my head as I board my jet. I would be in Mullingar by tomorrow. I check my phone to see its already 8 o'clock at night here in New York City. I might as well get some beauty sleep. Hopefully, Maura was at the airport to get me, not Niall. I was still pretty mad at him for ditching me like trash.

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